I am looking to purchase a trailer to haul my e30 to and from the track. I have been flat towing with a tow bar but the last trip was rainy for 4 hours and scared the wee out of me when emergency braking.
So, I was looki g for a tandem axle open trailer with electric brakes on at least one axel. I'd like to keep it as light as possible for fuel mileage and other reasons and most of the car trailers I find are pushing 2000 lbs empty.
I have found a couple of 6 x 12 landscapers trailers that I could get this car on, and both have 2 3500 lb axles. With my car and stored gear at about 3000 lbs this seems workable.
Is there something I am missing in this logic?
I've had friends use landscape trailers for their race cars. The only thing they complained about was their inability to open the car door, so they had to push the car on and off the trailer.
Mine has no real windows so that wouldn't be an issue. Are there any proportion issues between the weight of the trailer and the weight of the carried vehicle?
That is what I have.

Best $500 I spent, even if it is 6-8' too long.
Yes, getting in on the trailer sucks, but I have a few ways of getting cars and trucks on solo without pushing or winching.
I've had the same interest - mostly because i want to stash a trailer in my backyard, but the opening between the fence and my house is exactly 8'3" wide (most car haulers are about 9' wide). And also because I want something fairly lightweight without the cost of an all-aluminum trailer.
I found a Carry-on "cargo trailer" that is 8' over the fenders, tandem axle/electric brakes and big enough deck and load rating to carry my own e30. Once I have some money, that's the direction I'll go.
I'll also note that I towed my GT6 about 150 miles on a borrowed 6x12 landscape trailer, no problem.
Good to know. I think I've found a used 2010 model of what you are describing. Hopefully it isn't just Craigslist Tom foolery!
6/4/13 5:45 p.m.
There's nothing wrong with a landscape trailer with brakes, except for the awkwardness of not opening the doors. I had one for a long time.
There might, however, be something wrong with putting a 175" long car on a 144" long tralier. You may have enough hanging off the tail to make it pretty sketchy to tow.