My 65 mustang has tired leaf springs and a lot more torques than when it rolled off the line in Detroit. These factors plus my spirited driving style equal mad axle wrap yo.
So I want to change that. I also want to continue my tightwaddy ways. I'm thinking some old school slapper bars should be the answer. I know caltracs are supposed to be awesome but I don't want to spend $300+. Are the slappers effective? Is there a better answer for cheap? This is a street car, I drive it kinda hard, but not 5000 rpm launches or anything over the top. What suggestions does the hive have for me?
leaf spring clamps on the front half of the leaf will help with axle wrap and are cheap to make and install.

In reply to gearheadmb:
so if you are driving around a 65 you really need to use good springs. just to peak your Intrest look up Billy Shope's website.putting Any thing to change what is going on on the car is a waste until it is sprung correctly.then you may not need as much as you think,I myself can't leave things alone, find a picture of the 65 Shelby R mustang rear suspension.
4/1/16 12:12 p.m.
Yes the old Lakewood slappers work great when set up right but you can loose some ground clearance as well there are better systems that go on top of the axle that do the same thing but like you said $$.
4/1/16 12:31 p.m.
Bad pics, but some MGB guys do a cheap trick by cutting a leaf spring from an extra set of stock springs into a 'half-leaf' and bolting it back to the spring pack. This is for guys who are significantly increasing the power output of their MGBs. Process is here:
Rebuild the leaf pack, then assess needs. Especially if the springs are sagging or even bent like a frowning face.
I'm using dodge durango springs in my rebuild.
I'm reading the post as you have sacked springs causing the problem.
I rebuilt my leafs on my rodeo with parts from a 3/4 ton chevy to prevent wrap. It rode like E36 M3 but fixed it.
4/1/16 1:28 p.m.
I had tremendous axle wrap on Tunatruck. When I disassembled the pack I found that two of the three leaves were broken in half. I recommend checking that!
gearheadmb wrote:
Are the slappers effective? Is there a better answer for cheap?
YES! I've been 1.40 second 60' on slappers made from a scrapped shipping crate frame and a set of Ford pinion snubbers on 9" slicks. Make sure the brake bar is 1/8" above spring, and the snubbers have room for adjusting load.
We got me friends Mustang to go 1.49 60' with a 302 in an 11.70 car. Early Pro Stock ran slappers in the 9s.
So I picked up some Lakewood slappers at the swap meet last weekend and installed them this morning. If anyone is curious, yes they work. I can definitely feel a difference when I get into the gas. Totally worth it