Oh, and I actually saw a Scoupe Turbo the other day when I was test driving a customer's vehicle at work! I'd sport it! 
And the "t" stand for "touring", just like the I30t or I35t. They usually came with an LSD and a few other different things if I remember right.
Small V6, twin turbos, inexpensive to buy, better looking than an E30 - what's not to love? 

Oh come now, by far the low point of Zs was the N/A Z32.
Yeah, maybe. I'm just saying that the Z's went from being straight shootin' sports cars (ie 240Z) to being cushy boulevard cruisers by the Z31 era. That doesn't mean they don't have their good points, they just got away from the focus of the original Z. Z32's are out of the picture cuz they just suck to work on.
oh no wait, they're either turbo OR V6. what turbo motor was it, some kind of CA?
yeah, I think they were a ca18et, so just a single cam with a turbo. I think they also came with an NA ca20 or the VG30...hmmm, they are definitely cool too!
11/20/11 3:16 p.m.
DSM with Japanese build quality. Because it is NOT a DSM. Galant VR-4.
Ooooh, I forgot about the Galant VR4...might be hard to find one though...
s12's are awesome. if you want to get an s13 and put a ca18et in it it'd be pretty nasty. my friend had a slightly worked over example, too bad they sound like ass when they're actually making a decent amount of power.
I can't speak for the reliability of a starion, but
I am in love with them lol
Keith wrote:
Small V6, twin turbos, inexpensive to buy, better looking than an E30 - what's not to love?
I have a friend who works on those. He'll tell you what's not to love... and it's a long list.
11/20/11 4:23 p.m.
You really can't go wrong with a late widebody Starquest. You get a beefy 2.6 turbo, factory LSD, factory box flares, usable cargo space and an emergency back seat, and in my opinion one of the best looking '80s designs of them all. 4G63 swap is fairly easy, but not direct... I don't really think it's worth pulling a good G54b to do unless you're doing a monster drag race build, but if your G54b is dead already, it'd be a nice upgrade.
You can pick up decent drivers all day for $2000 and $5000 will pretty much get you the cream of the crop.
I still want to make mine into this:

the second generation Impulse had one of the sexiest front ends of any car.
I understand about your want for Japanese cars. Aside from a pair of Hyundai's, I have only owned European and that is all I prefer to own.. that said, SOME Japanese and American cars do tempt me
Mazda RX-7 Turbo II. No backseat though.
2nd best is the aforementioned MX-6/626/Probe GT but it's FWD.
11/20/11 7:39 p.m.
The VG motors, from the Z31 to the early Maxima to the Pathfinder/Xterra/Frontier, is tough as nails, but I never liked the way they ran or sounded. After driving my 95 Maxima for the last 5 years and falling in love with the VQ motor, the VG just seems so primitive,
I can agree with that. It's one of those things where the only reason people like that motor is because of the kinds of cars they put it in.. compared to an equivalent like the sohc 6g72 mitsu which is a better motor but is NOT liked because of the kinds of cars it WASNT put into. lol.
I totally support the Scoupe! They even handle well from stock and don't weigh much at all.
Saab 900 or 9000 are both good choices.
sethmeister4 wrote:
The reason it must be Japanese is simply because that is all I want to own. I have grown up with Japanese cars and have always had a bad taste in my mouth for cars from Detroit and cars from Europe. I know both places have some cool cars, I just can't bring myself to own one. It will be hard enough for me to get something that's not a Nissan, let alone not Japanese. I know, it's stupid, I'm just particular.
I feel like the Z31 was a very low point for Z's, and as a Nissan mechanic I always hated working on them. The VG motors, from the Z31 to the early Maxima to the Pathfinder/Xterra/Frontier, is tough as nails, but I never liked the way they ran or sounded. After driving my 95 Maxima for the last 5 years and falling in love with the VQ motor, the VG just seems so primitive, even when compared to an even older L series motor. At the same time, I REALLY like rustspecs13's Z31, and it has kinda peaked my interest in them. What all do you have done to yours? More pics please!
Yes, it's stupid. I an NOT a fan of Japanese cars for the most part. Yet, when a cool example has popped up, I'm glad I haven't been so stubborn as to completely exclude them as an option. As a result, I had some fun with them. Mmmmmm...510s, 240Zs, Type R...
Don't limit yourself.
^Ooooooooh! I need a moment alone, that's crisis worthy.
11/21/11 9:20 a.m.
forzav12 wrote:
Don't limit yourself.
Good advice, open your mind and eyes to every flavor, then nothing will taste bad, just different 
11/21/11 9:26 a.m.
Raze wrote:
forzav12 wrote:
Don't limit yourself.
Good advice, open your mind and eyes to every flavor, then nothing will taste bad, just different
Glad someone else said it before me. I've owned about 40 cars, I've owned plenty or European cars, Japanese cars, American cars, model years that spread 60 years, the list goes on. Each has it's own personality, complete with good and bad points. Personally, the most boring to own are Japanese cars. The miata was GREAT, but for the most part they are boring, no soul.
But that's just my opinion. The difference is that the opinion was formed over hundreds of thousands of miles in the different cars, and many, many hours under the hoods of the different cars.