I'm FINALLY swapping in the 6 speed into my Corolla (http://grassrootsmotorsports.com/reader-rides/2130/)
The transmission cross member is custom for this application, one I roughed out based on need.

Here is a view as currently "mocked up"

The cross member is made from 12 gauge steel (just a touch over 1/10"). I believe a rib running along each marker line, and then fitted to the slope - welded - would be satisfactory for support. The black marker triangle on right is area that needs to be removed for speedo cable clearance
Is that satisfactory??? Do you have a simpler, or better suggestion?
I'm not an engineer, fabricator, or a wizard, so...
I like the spots you picked. Since this is going to be under a lot of stress by the side to side motion of the motor (are you running solid mounts?) you might need some horizontal reinforcement. Also, how about a little chassis brace connecting the two wings? Something removable and has a bend in it to clear the speedo cable.
Or you can just make a brim along the top and bottom of the piece, much like the O.E. cross-member.
6/26/12 4:29 p.m.
Consider this: Take the picture of your mount from below; draw a line roughly between the two bolts on the left towards the two bolts on the right. That line represents a vertical piece of welded steel and should butt up against the '_/' shape that's present already in the crossmember.
I don't know if this is better or worse, I'm just suggesting it...
RossD wrote:
Consider this: Take the picture of your mount from below; draw a line roughly between the two bolts on the left towards the two bolts on the right. That line represents a vertical piece of welded steel and should butt up against the '\_/' shape that's present already in the crossmember.
I don't know if this is better or worse, I'm just suggesting it...
This is a pretty good description of what I would add to what you already have. Your lines will reinforce against twist, the additional ones will prevent sagging.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
RossD wrote:
Consider this: Take the picture of your mount from below; draw a line roughly between the two bolts on the left towards the two bolts on the right. That line represents a vertical piece of welded steel and should butt up against the '\_/' shape that's present already in the crossmember.
I don't know if this is better or worse, I'm just suggesting it...
This is a pretty good description of what I would add to what you already have. Your lines will reinforce against twist, the additional ones will prevent sagging.
slightly confused... can either of you possible draw what you mean???
As scribed, the ribs would give you increased vertical support, but make it weaker in torsion.
6/27/12 7:35 a.m.
Just a vertical piece of bar stock at the red line in this picture:
Make it butt up against the end of the bent part in the middle. The little yellow lines are suppose to show that it's welded...(IDK..)
Here would be the same piece but I realize now that we are looking from the wrong end of the transmission to see it whole like that. I should have drawn it hidden behind the mount but in the same orientation/spot:

Again, I don't know if this is better or worse, just offering an idea.
I'd do a combination of these two ideas.
Borrowing some of your(collective) ideas, and a few of my original ones.........
CAD (Cardboard Aided Design)

The reason the "kink" is on the right is for allowing enough room for the speed cable to clear the mount. The reinforcement "I" will only be about 1/2" tall as it passes the kink.
Here is the finished cross member.... the welding is only fair in appearance, but there is plenty of penetration. You can kinda get the idea of the shape, and the reinforcement

Bolt that thing on and let us know if it falls off.