I'm not goign to brag about being the best driver ever to sit my ass in a car, but I'm a pretty compitent driver and can hang pretty well. The only thing I'm not 100% comfortable with is drifting. I figured in this crappy weather we're having, most of you who can, are brushing up on your drifting techniques.
Care to share some insight with your GRM buddy?
First, you rip dat e-brake, and then you POWAH OVAH!
dab e-brake or clutch kick
slide as you feather the throttle
I really just laughed out loud here at work...
2/2/11 1:45 p.m.
Pendulum steer and then get in the throttle.
you will at one point end up hitting a curb with your rear tire. At the least you will jack up your rim, in the middle you will tweak your suspension and at worst you will flip your car.
Have fun.
when you get the rear end whipped around, turn into the slide to hold it, turn out to let it out
simple jrifting.
I've done it plenty of times while powersliding around a corner or something stupid like that. I just can't go haulin' ass down the road and jack it around a curve holding it completely sideways while hanging out of the car singing the national anthem. Something in my head and body tells me to brake, downshift, turn, accelerate out of the corner. LOL
Conquest351 wrote:
I've done it plenty of times while powersliding around a corner or something stupid like that. I just can't go haulin' ass down the road and jack it around a curve holding it completely sideways while hanging out of the car singing the national anthem. Something in my head and body tells me to brake, downshift, turn, accelerate out of the corner. LOL
agree, i need more balls as well lol
always scared of flipping the car, body roll feels worse than it really is though (i hope) lol
2/2/11 2:09 p.m.
Buy a Supra, put in moar boostz and then just mash the throttle, try to hang on as the cars 'drifts' all ova...
I guess the main problem is this, I kinda only have ever had one car. If I wrecked it by drifting into a tree/telephone pole/car/house, then I'm pretty screwed as far as my daily transportation. If I had another beater, then all would be well as I live in an area with lots of dirt roads for drift practicings.
In a word? Overdrive the car. Brake too hard, too late. Give it too much gas. Too much initial steering input. &c, &c, &c.
It really, really helps if your limited slip is working... you've never told us what you're swinging around, though... EDIT: looking at your username I guess would've been a clue, lol.
You can always pick up the Drift Bible... I think they sell it on Amazon for like $15.
Amazon - Drift Bible
Head to a deserted, very large parking lot covered with snow. Start by doing donuts, then slowly extend the circumference of the donut until you are sliding in gentle arcs.
Please do not do this on public roads with other traffic.
Actually the Conquest with the 351 is long gone. Now I drive a 2000 Crown Vic Police Interceptor. It's just a daily driver, nothing special. I need to invest in another toy though. Kinda hard with a wife, 14 yr old, and 6 month old. LOL
2/2/11 3:46 p.m.
P71=RWD. I fail to see the problem. Rig e-brake with hand pull, lock it in 1st, go to town.
HAHAHA!! I've slid her around quite a bid. Lots of ass under that thing, plus the rear tires are baaaaaald. Problem is, I can't even get it up the driveway right now (see bald tires & ice). LOL
Ian F
2/2/11 5:30 p.m.
Joe Gearin wrote:
Head to a deserted, very large parking lot covered with snow. Start by doing donuts, then slowly extend the circumference of the donut until you are sliding in gentle arcs.
...until the cops come and give you a ticket... at least that's what would happen around here...
A more serious option would be to look into a local drifting school.
If your rear tires are bad now, wait until you do a litle drifting. I sense blowout.
I've drifted a P71 before!
P71s have the catch on the parking brake disabled while it's in drive so you can drift like that. They also have ample power to drift all by themselves, even on dry pavement. The only thing I found to be lacking was the steering, it could have been a little quicker.
Here's a crappy picture of me hooning:

Please note I'm doing this on a closed course. Not on public roads. Don't be stupid.
Oh, wait - which way to the blizzard thread
oldtin wrote:
Oh, wait - which way to the blizzard thread
hehe. It took me a second to "catch your drift". 
there actually is a very nice video called the drift bible, it's very well made and teaches you good techniques, even platform/layout based maneuvers. and it explains that it's all about weight transfer , car control and practicing safely.
2/2/11 10:58 p.m.
Find a big old open parking lot, and practice in the snow! Fun!!
while I have never drifted on pavement.. I have done plenty of hanging it out on the dirt fireroads that run all through the pinebarrens.
I recommend
2/3/11 8:49 a.m.
If you're going to be really cool about it, you have to take off the bumper covers at both ends.
Duke wrote:
If you're going to be really cool about it, you have to take off the bumper covers at both ends.
nah, just zip tie them on, then go brush a wall so they can fall off