So I'm looking at a Subie somewhat unexpectedly. (2004 2.5l turbo - I thinks its the LX-T model) I've done a few quick internet searches, but know very little about them. I've heard a lot of stock STi "cast off" suspension components bolt up, and with them, its a decent street car. I've kind of been interested in owning a Subie for a while, but not a huge fan of the "me too" factor of WRX ownership. This seems like a possible compromise, and my wife kind of likes it, sooooo:
Any particular weak points to watch for?
Is there any motorsports potential? (I'm an occasional weekend autocrosser)
Is the rumor regarding parts interchangability true?
Any other general info that may help make an informed decision?
Expected longevity? (This one currently has 72K on it)
Thanks in advance.
The Forester XT is fantastic, right up until 2008. The newer models are a bit less awesome. Until the redesign, the Forester is nothing more than an Impreza wagon.
The 2004 XT has the same engine as the STI. The turbo, intercooler and injectors are different. The transmission and center differential are different as well.
Don't get one with a sunroof. Avoid the automatic if you can unless you're going to do a lot of stuff offroad, in which case the automatic is better for low speed crawling.
You can make them handle very well if you put the right suspension on them; anything that fits the 2004 STI will fit the 2004 Forester with little or no modification. I use mine to rallycross on the stock suspension. If I could find the Forester STI pink springs, I'd be set for autocross, too.
There are a ton of threads about them on
Forgot something:
For any serious racing duty, get a Moroso oil pan and the longevity should be alright. As with any turbo car, how long it lasts depends on doing religious maintenance and how much boost you put into the engine.
In terms of longevity, they are quite good. Rust is the only typical problem, even with that they seem less prone to rust than impreza's of the same age.
the Ex-wife's old lady friend bought one. Silver and automatic.
Sold in within 6 weeks = "too much oomph" - apparently the old lady found she could pass anyone anywhere and "I don't drive like that"
Sounds like fun!
4/18/11 6:44 p.m.
The '04s have tiny thimble-shaped filters in the oil lines to the Turbo and the ACVS on both heads. They are not in '06 and later models. They plug up and starve the turbo and make the ACVS throw codes. No, they are not easy to remove.
4/18/11 6:45 p.m.
Well dont give her a gun or i guess she'll start killing people even though she 'isnt like that'.
I think turbo foresters are neato..
DavidinDurango wrote:
the Ex-wife's old lady friend bought one. Silver and automatic.
Sold in within 6 weeks = "too much oomph" - apparently the old lady found she could pass anyone anywhere and "I don't drive like that"
Sounds like fun!
So her special lady thought it was too fast?
For what it is, I think the '04 and '05's were faster to 60 than the '06+'s. I think the gearing was numerically higher- something like 5.3? Faster than a wrx anyway.
Greg Voth... Paging Greg Voth to the service desk...
My favorite article on the XT:
4/18/11 8:46 p.m.
I guess since I posted the only downer post in the thread sinceIhadtoswapoutaturboinmid30degreeweatheroutsideinafriendsyard, I should at least clarify that other than that, in the seven years and 110K miles we've owned it (since new), it's been a helluva car.

Thanks for the info. Decided to pass on the one I saw yesterday. Too many bells and whistles, including the sun roof. (Why do I not want that, BTW?) The lot owner is expected a less extravagent black one next week, and is looking for one with a five speed for me. Oh, and any feelback on the mileage?
4/19/11 8:15 a.m.
They're not exactly a high-mpg car. I get about 27mpg on the highway staying out of the turbo as much as possible...and they use high octane gasoline. But, you're also not going to find this kind of performance on a higher mpg car for the money.
Another note on the oiling thing: the '04s use the same turbo as the 2.0 WRXs, so they're very cheap if you shop around. Why? Because all the WRX folks want MOAR POWAR and toss the stock turbos in favor of larger ones. We got our replacement for $100 shipped with only 20K miles on it and it's worked great. Takes some of the sting out of losing the original at 99k miles.
I can live w/20ish city, 27 highway. That's about all I get out of my SE-R.
4/19/11 8:56 a.m.
dj06482 wrote:
My favorite article on the XT:
I love that article. I've read it at least 100 times.
In reply to kazoospec:
I didn't want the sunroof because they're fairly big and I've heard they jam up quite easily. Also, it's just another way to bake the interior of the car where I live.

We got ours last May for $12500 with 67,000 on it. It now has 75,000 on it. It is the wife's DD. It needed a clutch around 72,000 which ran about $800. The exedy stock replacement was like $170 shipped at Amazon.
It was stock when we got it. It ran 14.9 at the Challenge. It also got FTD at small rallycross but I coned it. 30 seconds a cone WTF so I lost to a modified EVO.
It now has 02-03 WRX seats ($150), STI rear sway($50), 3 inch bellmouth downpipe ($50), catless upipe ($40), STI rear muffler ($50). The gaskets were another $75. I am waiting to find an STI take off turbo and have a line on a free one. Also an STI top mount. The exhaust setup is great now. Aftermarkets on WRXs are tricky and many end up sounding like trash. This one you can hear but isn't loud and doesnt drone. With the power levels I will be making (250 ish) it also wont be a restriction.
With a tune and STI turbo it should run low 13's. Here is a local auto-x guy with the setup I want running at the local drags. Check out his other videos for Auto-X runs.
I must drive like an asshat or have awful luck with Subaru gas mileage. I get about 18/23 with this right now. With her old 00 Impreza 5 speed I got about 20/25. Crusing speed however is 75-80mph.
Check out my readers rides for more pics.
4/19/11 6:57 p.m.
Greg Voth wrote:
It needed a clutch around 72,000
Really? At 110+K, we're still on the original. Somebodies been plaaayiiin' 
Greg Voth wrote:
I must drive like an asshat or have awful luck with Subaru gas mileage.
I've ridden with you, and I don't know how you afford rear tires on the Volvo.
From the boards I read that you can expect about 80k from a clutch. Some people reported in the 30k range others at 150k. Go figure. My wifes 00 Impreza needed one at 80k right after she got it and when we sold it at 150k it was starting to get weak again. I am certainly not easy on the cars. Rallycross and general fun cost monies in replacement parts
I don't know the whole history of the car but it started life in NJ and the guy I bought it from commuted with it in Orlando for 35k miles. Not a whole lot of highway or small town miles it seems.
Tom Suddard wrote:
Greg Voth wrote:
I must drive like an asshat or have awful luck with Subaru gas mileage.
I've ridden with you, and I don't know how you afford rear tires on the Volvo.
What can I say. I was born to slide or something.
They should have cast me as the lead in Tokyo Drift. I can pull off a cheap hillybilly accent and I like Japanese girls... just check my internet history.
Well, if Greg is posting action shots, I am too! I got 2nd place in my class that day, also due to hitting a cone.

I've got a catless pipe for mine, too, I just have to find the time to put it in.
^^At first I thought that was a Subie convention, then I saw the Neon.
Don't know that I'll be up for rallyx, and there really isn't that much of it around here, but I'm really liking the slightly dropped, ready for autox look. The black one the dealership I'm working with turns out to be an auto, and I'm just not ready for that, so they're gonna keep looking for the elusive manual.