My boss has an issue with a leaking front main seal on his 1996 Chevy Lumina with the 3.1 engine. Any body have any tricks or tips to change it?
I figure a new timing set would be a good idea.
Is this something that can be done with the engine still in teh car?
Rob R.
You remove the belt, damper, pry the seal out, pop in the new one, and put the damper and belt back on.
If you wanted to make it a huge nightmare by pulling the timing cover off and changing the chain, I guess you could do that too.
Make sure the oil leak is actually coming from the seal and not, say, the power steering pump, or a poor valley-intake sealing job from the last time the intake manifold was off.
Well that sounds easy.
I will take a look at it this evening.
Rob R.
2 cars still haunt me in my dreams......
1986 Pontiac Grand Am SE
1995 Chevrolet Lumina