CrashDummy Reader
12/29/22 1:55 p.m.

I want to get a basic HANS device to add some safety to my trackday and time trial Miata. I've never worn one before and I have some questions to make sure I pick the right thing.

1. Is this (HANS HANS III | Hans Devices) a good basic device? If not, is there something else you would recommend? If so, how do I chose angle (20 vs 30 degrees), size (med vs large), and attachment (post anchor vs quick click)?

2. Do I need 2" shoulder belts to use a HANS or can they also work with 3" shoulder belts?

3. What else do I need to know?



codrus (Forum Supporter)
codrus (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
12/29/22 2:00 p.m.

As I understand it, any of the HANS-brand devices work the same, the higher end ones you're paying for lightweight construction.  There are other head/neck support devices that work differently (Simpson, etc), I don't know much about those.

The angle is based the angle of your seat, and it basically comes down to are you driving a production car or a formula car.  IIRC 20 degrees is the one for production cars.

Post anchor vs quick click is personal preference, best way is to go to a store that has both and will let you experiment.

I have used my HANS with 3", but it's more fiddly to get things to line up properly.  I think 2" belts are what are recommended now.


GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/29/22 2:02 p.m.

1. Angle depends on how you sit, you probably want 20deg for a production-based car with a relatively upright seating position, 30deg is for purpose-built race cars where you're literally sitting on the floor with a highly reclined position. Size depends on your body size, you'll need to get measurements of the different sizes available and compare them to your measurements, or ideally try one on. You probably want to stick to post mounts since this is what most helmets use, this will give you the best versatility.

2. Pretty sure they work with both? I've used a HANS with a car with 3" belts before...

3. Not a whole lot of experience with them myself, I've only borrowed them a couple times.

nuthunmuch New Reader
12/29/22 2:04 p.m.

The Hans III looks good to me. I have a Schroth which is very similar.

The angle depends on how the driver sits in the car. For most street car based vehicles you'll be sitting more upright compared to a formula car where you sit in a much more reclined position. Choose the head restraint angle based on your seating position.

I would recommend getting 2" shoulder straps when using the Hans. The narrower straps will fit onto the Hans easier than wider straps. Lots of harnesses are available with 3" straps everywhere except the shoulder straps taper to 2" wide for Hans use.

docwyte PowerDork
12/29/22 3:29 p.m.

20 degree is the standard this fits all scenario.  They work much better with 2" shoulder belts.  Are you just going to be driving this car, or cars with rollbar/cage/6 point harnesses?  Will you ever be an instructor or in a car with 3 point belts?  If you're not sure about any of those, you should buy a Simpson Hybrid S.  It works with 3 point belts, 5 point harnesses, 6 point harnesses, etc, etc, etc.  It's the one size fits all.  I have one as I know I can use it in any car I happen to own at the time, or hop into a friends car or whatever....

CrashDummy Reader
12/30/22 8:49 a.m.

Thanks everybody! 

sergio HalfDork
12/30/22 9:48 p.m.

The Hans will make your shoulders sore. Well at least it will if you're doing 2hr endurance stints. Maybe 20 minute HPDE sessions not so much.

imgon HalfDork
12/30/22 10:11 p.m.

If you can wait until your next event. Ask your friends around the paddock to see if you can try some on for static fit to get a idea of what size fits you best. 2" belts work better if you can swing the price ( they have become reasonable lately) but 3" will work. I have always used the quick click, they take a few tries to get used to but after that it becomes automatic.

Tom1200 UberDork
12/31/22 12:01 a.m.

Becuase I race a production car as well as a Formula 500 I have an adjustable HANS.

As for the 3" belts I've been fine with them.

Cactus HalfDork
12/31/22 11:39 a.m.

The current best recommendation is 2" belts on everything. NASCAR specifically calls for 2" belts currently, lap and shoulder. (I think also sub, but 1" may be appropriate for 6 point belts? I'm unsure). 3" is unnecessary, it came from a time when the materials weren't as good and you really needed that extra inch of thickness. Now the thinking is that a 2" strap better fits your pelvis.


Schroth's SHR flex is the most comfy neck device I've used, but it only works with their anchors, not typical Hans posts. It has a pivot in place of a fixed angle, so it'll fit anything as soon as you sit down.


I instruct, so I personally use a Hybrid S in cars with harnesses and 3 point belts.

codrus (Forum Supporter)
codrus (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
12/31/22 12:25 p.m.
Cactus said:

3" is unnecessary, it came from a time when the materials weren't as good and you really needed that extra inch of thickness.

Before HANS was in widespread use at the amateur/club level, 3" was recommended for shoulder belts because it spread the load over a larger surface area.  AIUI It wasn't so much about better crash safety, but rather improved comfort level for the 99%+ of the time that you're driving the car and not crashing it.

Once HANS became used widely that was less relevant, both because it's easier to get the 2" belts to line up and because the HANS device itself does the load spreading.

amg_rx7 (Forum Supporter)
amg_rx7 (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
12/31/22 6:44 p.m.

Necksgen is also a good head and neck restraint device  I find it more comfortable than the hans

kevinatfms HalfDork
1/3/23 10:34 a.m.
sergio said:

The Hans will make your shoulders sore. Well at least it will if you're doing 2hr endurance stints. Maybe 20 minute HPDE sessions not so much.

You sure your HANS is fitted properly? I had a small HANS Sport II that just never felt good after any amount of in seat time.  I now run the NecksGen Rev 2 and it feels fine after 2 hours during Champ Car events. Did nearly 4 hours in the car at the 12 hour VIR event and felt fine afterward.

kevinatfms HalfDork
1/3/23 10:35 a.m.
amg_rx7 (Forum Supporter) said:

Necksgen is also a good head and neck restraint device  I find it more comfortable than the hans

Rev 2 here and absolutely love it. It fits great and does not make you sore at all. Only gripe is that i didnt swap to it earlier. 

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