Well, I just finished another LeMons race with the Malibu.
WE have a baffled 24 gallon tank in the back with an inline fuel pump feeding a stock TBI set-up.
We got fuel starve at 1/2 of a tank in right hand turns. ONLY right hand turns.
The stock GM pickup is in the tank and is pointing towards the back of the car in the middle of the tank.
Does anybody have any good ideas on how to fix this without cutting the tank open? I have a hole where the pickup goes that I can fit my hand inside (barely).
Any ideas are appreciated!
Rob R.
I had that issue on my 240SX during auto-x. Luckily just upgrading to the larger 300Z fuel filter solved the problem. It was large enough to work as a small surge tank.
How about adding a swinging pickup to the sending unit? Along the lines of a flexible hose with a pickup on the end, maybe use the fuel filter end off the sending unit?
Pull the pump out of the tank. Fabricate a baffle that attaches directly to the pickup. I've seen this done with a small milk-jug. Bias your holes to the right side of the baffle, with solid area on the left side.
I like the idea of the swinging pickup. Does anybody make one?
ProDarwin: If I did this, it would only be able to be about the size of a pop can. Do you think this would make a difference?
wvumtnbkr wrote:
I like the idea of the swinging pickup. Does anybody make one?
ProDarwin: If I did this, it would only be able to be about the size of a pop can. Do you think this would make a difference?
I think it would. Motorcycle tanks are made that way. theres a ring about 3 inches tall to keep fuel around the base of the pump. (pick up is in bottom of pump)
wvumtnbkr wrote:
I like the idea of the swinging pickup. Does anybody make one?
ProDarwin: If I did this, it would only be able to be about the size of a pop can. Do you think this would make a difference?
Yeah... 12 ounces of fuel is enough to make it through a RH sweeper for sure.
10/11/11 2:32 p.m.
Subaru solves the problem with 2 fuel pumps/ pickups.
I solved it in my Challenger by filling the tank. 
wvumtnbkr wrote:
I like the idea of the swinging pickup. Does anybody make one?
ProDarwin: If I did this, it would only be able to be about the size of a pop can. Do you think this would make a difference?
"Duck-foot" pickups flop around with centrifugal force in the tank.