Hmmm. Never seen one burn. Ya never know, though.
They are as sophisticated as a box of hammers. But they are generally pretty reliable. The aforementioned crank sensor will crap out, it'll spin but won't start. Throttle position sensors will puke, the idle gets erratic and the tranny doesn't want to shift right. In fact, I saw one tranny replaced because of a TPS problem. 
Buy a couple of water pumps, they eat 'em.
Cruise/AC problems will be related, no vacuum to either (they share a common vacuum source). Check the plastic tubes in the engine compartment, either one's busted or the fitting came off the intake. If it has the cruise servo under the battery, acid will eat up the tubes.
If the left front window only goes down 1/2 way, the regulator is probably stripped, you'll hear it clack and grind. On the right side, try smacking on the door with the flat of your hand and work the buttons at the same time. If it starts working, it needs a motor. If it doesn't, pull the door panel and check for power. The wiring is really screwy; the right front window can be rendered completely inoperative from either the master drivers' switch or the right front switch. Usually the motor's stuck from non use, though.
They are famous for the front rotor hats dissolving when driven in snow/salt country.
There was a recall, call the local Jeep dealer with the last 8 of the VIN and see if there is a recall on them. The brakes in general blow, rotors warp quick etc. Yeah, they'll stop it but that's about all they'll do. I wouldn't tow anything over 1500 pounds without trailer brakes (BTDT).
The tranny is a Toyota unit (!) and is damn near bulletproof. The only issues I ever see are speed sensors. If it goes, people will swear it needs a new tranny, though.
If it has the blue flourescent odometer, the early clusters like that had a habit of the connector corroding and the speedo/various gauges will quit at random. You have to R&R the cluster and replace the connector on the harness, it's a readily available kit from Jeep.