One of the stipulations of getting my daughter the quad for her birthday was that she needs a helmet. While I'm of the opinion a helmet won't help if it rolls on her, it's probably a good idea.
The problem is, she's turning 3, so she's growing like a weed, and I really don't want to shell out money ever year for a new one if I don't have to, especially since no one else would be able to use it at rally cross or anything else.
Do they make helmets with adjustable or removable foam inserts so that it grows with her? Would a bike helmet be "good enough" for a 50cc Quad?
I'm going to be stopping at a motorcycle shop today to try things on and get an education, but thought I'd check here first to see if there's any specific models or things I need to look out for.
5/9/18 10:56 a.m.
Cheek pads are about all I've seen that is removable. For my kids I cram them into smaller helmets than the "standard fit" after they outgrow the inserts. Those soft foam inserts don't do any of the protection. Helmets can last quite a long time this way. I would just watch for face fit as they grow. Kids helmets have a different shape in the face area. Source: I have 3 kids and a bajillion helmets.
FYI majority of pro motoX riders actually wear their helmets this way, very small. Another point of interest, I 'm an adult medium and I can wear the helmet my kids rode with at 3 years old in a pinch (have done it).
The helmets are not as bad, it is the other stuff that they grow out of so much quicker.
I have all the gear from my son when he was three if you are interested in it. I was going to post it for sale, I just keep forgetting. He wore it like 5 times total. Boots, gloves, pants, jersey, chest protector, helmet and goggles.
PM me if interested.

I don't want to get all preachy, but I don’t think that a three year old girl’s neck is strong enough to support the weight of a helmet in an impact.
Woody said:
I don't want to get all preachy, but I don’t think that a three year old girl’s neck is strong enough to support the weight of a helmet in an impact.
I agree. I think this is a case where safety gear might make an already unsafe activity slightly more unsafe, but if it makes her mother happy...
I'm going to govern the throttle down to a reasonable speed, like walking pace, and have the follow along tether kill switch. Luckily there isn't much she can run into on my property other than my vehicles, I'm more concerned with a roll on the hills, and nothing is going to keep her 40lbs very safe with a 100+lb quad rolling on her.
She's worn my helmet a few times, being an adult XL it's surprisingly hard getting her head in, and she has trouble doing more than walking with it on. Aside from the empty space above her head, she actually fits it pretty well.
She's had a dinky little 6 volt quad since she was one, and still doesn't hold the thumb throttle in on that, just bumps it, so I'm kinda hoping she'll do the same with the thumb throttle in this one. Until it's actually running that's a moot point, she's perfectly happy sitting on the frame making vroom noises. She might even decide it's too loud and refuse to ride it once it's fixed.
@rusnak I'll talk to her mom and think about it a bit, any idea what you'd like to get for it?
That's a perfect application for a diving bell/master-blaster style shoulder mounted helmet. Too bad I have never actually seen one.
If you're going walking pace, then a bicycle helmet should be fine. It will be lightweight enough to not impact her neck and it will protect from serious issue when she falls off. The height and speed should be similar to riding/straddling a bike.