Hate to tell you this on top of everything else, but at 13 months regardless of past history VWoA is under no obligation to replace that cluster and neither is the dealership.
Here's how it works: during the 12 month replacement parts warranty, the dealership is obligated to replace a defective part at no charge to the owner. VWoA then reimburses the dealership for the part and the labor (which any service manager will tell you the profit ain't enough to keep the doors open). Once it's out of the 12 months, if the dealership replaces it and VWoA declines the claim, they are stuck with an expensive part. That means your chances of getting coverage from the dealership are not good.
BEFORE you take the car in, contact VWoA and tell them what's happened. Have copies of the RO in front of you when you talk to the rep, they will need the date and mileage of the original repair and probably the invoice (repair order) number. They will assign you a case number. Any other work you have had done at the dealership is going to be a big help, loyal dealership customers carry more weight than the guy who only shows up because no one else can/will work on it.
The district rep will then get the case and he/she will be the final voice, here's the fun part: those guys have a budget based on the number of cars and amount of parts sold in their district in the previous year. If he/she's close to the end of the quarter and are running out of money, you will probably be boned.