I can do most things mechanical on most cars, but A/C is really a dark art for me, and I've never really had to deal with it other than replacing a hard-line to the rear A/C on my Sequioa a couple years ago.
So when I got this car ('88 Porsche 924S), it had been sitting for at least a year with a spun bearing. After I had already paid the guy and loaded the car, I asked him for an honest answer about whether the A/C worked. He had been totally straight-up with me about all the car's issues (I paid under $1k for it...) so he had no reason to lie I wouldn't think. Anyhow, he said that before he blew the engine, the A/C worked fine.
So fast forward, I finally am getting around to checking out the system. It has already been refitted with r134 valve (only on the low-pressure side, oddly enough), so I assume at some point it may have run r134 - but I know that can leak out of r12 systems over time. All other components appear original.
First thing I replaced the dryer with a new r134 dryer (with new o-rings there), and added an r134 valve on the high side as well.
With the car running, if you turn on the A/C it does activate the compressor clutch (but of course there is no r134 in the system right now)
I evacuated the system with a vacuum pump and it's been holding constant vacuum for about half a day now. I have full o-ring set, but if the system is holding vacuum, I may want to hold off on accidentally causing any new leaks replacing o-rings, to be honest.
Next I plan to pull the compressor to drain the oil and add PAG oil to it (r134 compliant).
But what other ways can I test the system before I dump r134 in? I have a manifold gauge set - can I run the system with no r134 in it to get compressor pressures? Or will that not work with an empty system?
Note : I have 4-5 tall cans of r134 that I got from an estate sale for a couple bucks, so I don't necessarily mind wasting some of that in the cause of testing the system, but would love if someone has a good plan of action to see what does/doesn't work.