SVreX wrote:
Understood. Wasn't criticizing, just feeding a little more info into the mix.
Pics of my Elky are in my profile.
SVreX's profile
I'm probably getting close to the point of being prepared to sell it, if that soft spot is really itchin'!
i love your elky.
i have a book with "collectible cars" up to 1980 that lists curb weights of everything. i need to grab it from my parents place because all my books are over there, but i'd be happy to post them if anyone is wondering about specific models.
12/1/11 1:39 p.m.
a401cj wrote:
Cadillac. Anything.
What this guy said...(with a little tweek)
Man if only my garage was sized for full size PUs instead of Fiats and Wranglers...
I think '54 Chevy's are pretty good looking and make a fine wife cruise car. They also don't cost near as much as their '55, '56 and '57 brothers.

The front bumper on that car above needs to be pulled back into the body a bit, remove the overriders too. It just looks out of proportion.
Makes the car look like:

12/1/11 11:10 p.m.
A striking analogy.
Before you said that i liked it a lot (i still like it a fair amount). 

Craigslist lust of the day: link.