12/18/13 1:51 p.m.
Mrs. DX has an '11 Jetta and it is nearing 40k miles on the clock and the local dealer quoted her over $400 to have the 40k maintenance interval done. Is there any cheaper way to have this done? What all is involved with it? Should we shop around for a cheaper price?
40K get's the DSG service added in with the other 20K mile items (LOF, Cabin Filter, Air Filter, Fuel Filter (for diesel anyway), Tire Rotation, laundry list of inspection/lube).
If you're getting all of that done at the dealer for $400 that's a bargain.
I bought all of the trans fluid, filter, O-rings, spare drain plug, for the DSG service from IDParts.com (great folks by the way) and still was out over $300 for just the DSG service with me buying the parts and paying the dealer's labor. SWMBO still has the invoice filed I'm sure, I'll double check tonight if I remember.
Were our '09 Jetta not at the body shop right now, it would likely be due for the 80K mile service (carbon copy of the 40K) by the first of the year. IDParts is having an end-of-the-year sale, was going to buy another DSG kit from them after Christmas.
well first we should clarify... does Mrs. DX '11 jetta have the DSG trans?
12/18/13 3:00 p.m.
Its the regular automatic slushbox.. No dsg.
Well then yes, that's entirely too much money. What all are they claiming to do for THEIR 40K mile service. I know at Nissan we would work a bunch of optional stuff no one really needs in with the actual recommended services.
Here's what Mitchell says you need, there's a list of "inspect" but any tech worth a darn is going to inspect the car looking for other things to sell you.

If you are motivated it's a totally DIY service with a LOT of "check/inspect" items.