I just bought a set of the old service and parts manuals on these. Now I found a title-less one in Michigan but I prefer to hold out for one with a real title as Illinois is a bad place for things without titles.
I am getting sucked into these.........whatcha think?

I think this forum never ceases to amaze me ...
That can't be a legit truck, since, ya know, its "Mail" not "Male"
I think it doesnt have a title cause its a painted up golf cart. Now I'm not from a majpr metropolitan area or anything, but I've never seen one of these.
1/19/11 6:39 p.m.
Coolness. Put a keg (with a tap out of the side) and a sliding grill in the back and have a great tail-gater.
Head over to microcar.org ... there are a few fans/owners there.
Hard to imagine a worse design vehicle for the intended use... high cg and very tippy... only my former bumperless alloy body AC invalid carriage was more mal-designed.
They are rare because most never made it to private hands and they've been out of product since the 60's, but there are some out there.
Since it's a three wheeler, wouldn't it be titled as a motorcycle? That may make the process easier.
Where does one acquire service and parts manuals for an old three wheeled mail truck? cough Bike Engine cough...
VonSmallhausen wrote:
Where does one acquire service and parts manuals for an old three wheeled mail truck? cough Bike Engine cough...
A handful of companies made these (including Cushman) so mechanical bits are going to vary with manufacturer.
Like my UK invalid carriage example , not that many made it into private hands but there were so many out there that parts are around... the issue is locating them... so linking up with other enthusiasts is critical.
1/19/11 8:11 p.m.
In PA. they are titled as motorcycles. I had a Cushman Truckster that was very similar. It had a 3 speed trans and would do 50 mph if you were very brave. Not sure I would try to turn it at that speed however! In addition to the Post Office, a lot were used by municpalities or colleges. There are usually some to be found on ebay.
Just out of curiosity.........where would you drive that thing?
All I can picture is a mail delivering version of the Robin. Insert video of the Top Gear Reliant Robin episode.
Oh look at this....
I had an open top Cushman 3 wheel pickup about 15 years ago. It would see 60 in 3rd gear. Thats about 40mph faster than I ever want to go in a 3 wheeler!
VonSmallhausen wrote:
Where does one acquire service and parts manuals for an old three wheeled mail truck? cough Bike Engine cough...
Judas' Priest on a painted pony, that would be sweet with a hayabusa !!
I've had a few Cushmans over the years. Parts can be found easily still, but some will run some serious cash. No need for a bike engine, depending on the rearend ratio this can go faster than you safely want to. There is a good site for thes on yahoo (link below)
Cushman Forum
No brakes will be relatively simple, they use drum brakes, you'll probably be rebuilding the wheel cylinders.
I was looking at buying one of these for a while: http://www.federalsurplus.net/ProductImages/I914282.jpg
They run a Festiva engine and auto trans, so while I had my BPT Festiva, a transplant was mighty tempting.
11 second Interceptor? 
Feedyurhed wrote:
Just out of curiosity.........where would you drive that thing?
To the local car shows - it has no real transportation value. With a title you can register them as a motorcycle. Service and parts manuals were found on ebay for $5 each.
Yeah, I must be nuts....back to Datsun's.....
914Driver wrote:
Yammm said:
thanks for the link you have given it will be helpful to me and others also thanks
Yams smell like canoes?
I love the smell of canoes in the morning.
On Topic. For $750 how can you go wrong? 
You'll be killed at least 14 times.

That idiot who can't spell wrote:
On Topic. For $750 how can you go wrong?
I offerred $250 - he countered with $500. The lack of title makes this illegal to drive on the streets.
Could you "sell" it someone who lives in a state with more lax laws and get it titled there and then they could "sell" it back to you?
If you happen to live somewhere that allows golf carts on the street(like I do) this could be sweet. $500 Eh?