Anybody here ever own a Daihatsu Rocky? Curious to hear your experiences. I'm looking at picking one up after giving up on finding a reasonably priced Samurai that hasn't rusted out/been turned into a rock crawler. Parts availability seems a bit spotty, but I have seen some stuff available. I'm having a very hard time finding good info on these trucks because there is also another Daihatsu Rocky (aka Rugger) sold overseas which is larger and has much more aftermarket support.
I live in the land of hillbillies and midgets and these things (Daihatsu Rocky's) are all over. Like I might need to start spraying for them all over. Maybe I'll spray for all 3?
I sauntered in here curious as I have wondered about them as well. That is all I have to contribute.

I mean, it's every bit as cool as an early G-Wagon.
Well, the fuel tank location on the Rocky above certainly looks to have been chosen with safety uppermost in the designers' minds. I'm not saying they had a lot of space to work with, but, still....
Theres a lot around here too for some odd reason.
As an offroad toy they are supposed to be great but they are geared terrible for highway. Someone once told me 60mph was 4k rpm