6/11/17 8:26 a.m.
If you haven't seen it and have Amazon Prime, check out their LeMans show that just came out the other day. It is about the 2015 race and focuses mostly on Porsche and Audi, with a bit of coverage for Toyota and NIssan. It's broken up into six episodes. I enjoyed it and hope they make one for 2016 when Toyota broke on the last lap.
6/12/17 6:57 a.m.
Bumping for Monday crowd (and to see if I have been shadowbanned.
It made it down to near the bottom of page 4 of the latest topics page without any comments.
I didn't see your first post. I'll have to take a look at that.
I saw it on the Amazon feed the other day and promptly forgot about it.
Will check it out tonight.
Watched 4 episodes last night, will watch the last couple tonight.
6/12/17 9:23 a.m.
That's next on my list. I just watched The 24 Hour War last night and it was pretty well done.
Don't forget that Le Mans 2017 is on this weekend, too 
It was a good series. I watched it over the course of last week. I was trying to get approved to marshal that year but didn't get accepted. Basically if you don't know someone, you won't get a spot.
Too bad I'll miss Le Mans this year. Be a little busy this weekend. Oh well DVR and the highlights show will be it for me.