Obviously I need to update this some.
Some of this is probably covered in the above video. I do better with words and pictures.
Transmission mount is done. Not pretty, but it lets me use the factory mount locations on the transmission and the car. The engine and transmission mounts are both soft mounted using factory mounts. Hopefully that will help soften the blow when the drivers abuse it and keep them from breaking the mounts.

The new axle is mounted. Rather than moving everything on the axle, I moved everything on the car. Again, quick and dirty. Not race quality, but Lemons quality.
Front spring mounts. I cut the original mounts in half and built these. They use the existing mounts on the body to save me from building new mount locations. They are offset for the narrower spring locations on the axle. The Roadster springs are a little longer, so the new mounts are also offset forward about an inch to keep the tires close to where they should be.

The rear shackles are done the same way. I cut apart the factory shackles and rebuilt them as necessary. They are pretty atrocious and they are going to cause some twist in the springs, but they should get the job done. Handeling should be...interesting.

Close enough. It also lowered the car a fair amount.

Next up was the fuel system. The exhaust is moving from the drivers side to the passenger and I didn't want fuel lines run anywhere near it. That meant abandoning the existing hard lines. I'm running Nylon EFI tube from the fuel cell to the engine bay for supply and return. Since I didn't want it susceptible to damage, I ran a piece of 1" EMT under the car on the drivers side as a raceway for the fuel lines. No pictures of that.
GM was nice enough to design a fuel filter with a built in regulator and return port. Originally for a Corvette but it's apparently the hot ticket for running GM engines in non-GM bodies. The LS guys apparently use them a lot. All of that is tucked up nice and safe on the firewall and uses factory quick connectors.

The fuel pump is mounted to one of the tank straps. Hopefully I won't have a problem with the pump losing prime. I also had to add a 3rd port to the tank for the return line.

I decided to use the factory Solstice coolant tank. They are cheap and fairly easy to mount. I'll probably have to drill a hole in the hood for the cap though.
I needed an intake tube. The OEM stuff is too expensive, but a cheap Chinese CAI solved that problem and gave me a place to mount the mass air sensor. It will need some uglification before judging. Hopefully it won't rain too much.

Fan mount is built. I'm a little concerned about running a pusher fan. Hopefully it won't be a issue because there is zero room to mount one on the pull side. I have 1" of clearance between the crank pulley and the radiator. There is also some concern that the radiator is too small since we are using the original Datsun B210 radiator. We should have some time to get some testing done before the race though.

And that's about where we stopped due to the COVID mess. They had posponed the race at that point which bought us some more time. The car is currently sitting on jack stands with the rear axle disassembled for bearings.
There will be more to come, just not sure when.