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irish44j UberDork
6/16/13 8:28 p.m.

Back from Summit Point, and I know a lot of GRM'ers were there. We were in the "Judge Phil" e30 with the satellite dish on the back (yeah, I know, e30.....but it's a 340k-on-stock-motor ETA with a non-functional LSD so that's got to bring it down from a "cheater" car).

We finished up in 18th overall with only one minor car issue (broken throttle cable) and one minor driving issue (our last driver had a close call with a tow truck over the bridge straight since it was blind over the hill, so got black-flagged, and the penalty was "driver change"....which was fun since all the other drivers had already packed up our gear, lol...).

Anyhow, had a great time and met some great people. I'm totally hooked now (as are the other guys, all first-timers), and hope to be at more of these, if the car owners ask me back (they'd better, since I did all the paint/cosmetics on the car, haha).

I thought it was cool that after day 1, one of the fast-movers (Celica) that had come in too hot underneath and forced me off all-four in the dirt, came and found me with a brace of decent beers for our team as an apology.

I took a ton of pics with point-and-shoot camera, at the following photobucket link. Feel free to steal for your own use if you desire. They may still be uploading when I post this....


Also if you have any good pics/vids of my car, please email me or send me a link.

And if the Wile-e-Coyote 240sx guys are on here, please send me that clip of me off-roading it right in front of you, I'm sure my rallycross buddies will appreciate it (and my GoPro inconceivably fogged up for that entire run

Also a few of my favorites:

our car and our hood, which got us zero penalty laps

3-pedal mafia

paddock radiator removal from the destroyed 2002

 photo DSCF6342.jpg

speed enforcement

 photo DSCF6296.jpg

I forget these guys' team name, but they were....enterating

 photo DSCF6263.jpg

because the v8 volvo sounded SO sexy down the straight all weekend...

 photo DSCF6369.jpg

after they put the car off the carousel into the wall (totally destroyed), the guys next door to us stripped the entire car overnight and took it away, and supposedly found a donor shell "locally" in the same night. So hopefully they'll be back for the next race...

 photo DSCF6393.jpg

ok, I'm tired....there are a ton of photos (action shots all over the track, more paddock stuff, etc etc).....go look at them at the link above if you care....

camaroz1985 Reader
6/17/13 9:13 a.m.

That V8 240 does sound so good as it blasts by you, doesn't it?

Glad you guys had a good event. We will look for you at some events next year.

wvumtnbkr GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
6/17/13 9:26 a.m.

The team with the F-body is team "sorry for party" They are awesome!

Glad you enjoyed your first race!

Rob R.

JohnyHachi6 HalfDork
6/17/13 9:56 a.m.
wvumtnbkr wrote: The team with the F-body is team "sorry for party" They are awesome!

I don't know who all was on the team at this event, but the car belongs to my cousins. They definitely know how to party. I'm hoping sometime I'll be up in the the northeast while they're racing and can join them - always looks/sounds like a good time, and I'd love to do some more crapcan racin'.

Klayfish SuperDork
6/17/13 11:20 a.m.

Driver with 3 Pedal Mafia here. We had a great weekend, though this was the most broken we've ever been. All 3 of our team cars had issues. We had a healthy lead in Class C at the end of Saturday. But a $.08 plastic part on the clutch pedal disabled us Sunday morning and we couldn't get it back on track until it was far too late for the win...but that's crapcan racing. We were pitted right next door to Sorry For Party racing, they're a great bunch.

I can't see all the pictures irish posted, they don't show for me. So I apologize if this is a repost, but this picture speaks for itself. It was captured by our GoPro camera mounted on the boat. Our team captain, Sonic, was behind the wheel. Hopefully he'll chime in with the rest of the fun details, but this picture is worth a thousand words....

wvumtnbkr GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
6/17/13 12:20 p.m.


Why didn't you guys just go out there in 3rd or 4th gear?

You probably could even shift if you rev matched well enough.

Rob R.

Sky_Render Dork
6/17/13 12:44 p.m.
Klayfish wrote: Driver with 3 Pedal Mafia here. We had a great weekend, though this was the most broken we've ever been. All 3 of our team cars had issues. We had a healthy lead in Class C at the end of Saturday. But a $.08 plastic part on the clutch pedal disabled us Sunday morning and we couldn't get it back on track until it was far too late for the win...but that's crapcan racing. We were pitted right next door to Sorry For Party racing, they're a great bunch. I can't see all the pictures irish posted, they don't show for me. So I apologize if this is a repost, but this picture speaks for itself. It was captured by our GoPro camera mounted on the boat. Our team captain, Sonic, was behind the wheel. Hopefully he'll chime in with the rest of the fun details, but this picture is worth a thousand words....

This happens SO often at Summit Point. It's one of the reasons I would never track a nice car there.

Luke UberDork
6/17/13 12:55 p.m.

^^Bloody hell .

Initially, I thought the deer was attached to the roof as some sort of taxidermy theme

Swank Force One
Swank Force One MegaDork
6/17/13 1:08 p.m.


That's a deer BEING HIT?

I really thought that was just an attached deer...

Curmudgeon MegaDork
6/17/13 1:10 p.m.

The video of the hit is freakin' awesome. The story going around is that the deer jumped up and ran.

Klayfish SuperDork
6/17/13 1:13 p.m.
wvumtnbkr wrote: Klayfish: Why didn't you guys just go out there in 3rd or 4th gear? You probably could even shift if you rev matched well enough. Rob R.

We did for most of Saturday...ran it in 4th. For a driver change, we would meet them at pit in and push it back into the pits. We'd push it back to pit out and the slave cylinder would then last just long enough to get past the guy standing at the end of pit road waiving you onto the track. From there, we put it in 4th and left it there. However, when the plastic piece broke Sunday morning, the clutch pedal was then totally disconnected from anything, it just flopped around. No way to get the boat moving again when we'd have stopped to wait to get on track.

From what I heard, the deer did get up and run, but someone said it was in bad shape. The video shows that it did quite a flip. Probably landed in its' head.

Video here... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TS0Ve1sUL8&feature=youtu.be

Apexcarver PowerDork
6/17/13 1:16 p.m.

yeah, deer and groundhogs are a way of life at summit point...




mndsm PowerDork
6/17/13 1:18 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote: The video of the hit is freakin' awesome. The story going around is that the deer jumped up and ran.

Link for the rest of us?

Sonic SuperDork
6/17/13 1:55 p.m.

Rob, because they have no blend area and you have to stop for the track worker before blending. If this were like most tracks with a good blend area, we could have done it from a push start in the pits. Our starter and battery are both new, but the starter heat soaks badly and it is very hard to start when hot, no way we could start it in gear, sadly.

Jerry HalfDork
6/17/13 2:02 p.m.
Swank Force One wrote: Oh WAIT. That's a deer BEING HIT? I really thought that was just an attached deer...

No E36 M3. Me too. I thought it was an awesome tribute to the stories I keep seeing on Facebook about various deer getting hit at races.

mndsm PowerDork
6/17/13 2:03 p.m.
mndsm wrote:
Curmudgeon wrote: The video of the hit is freakin' awesome. The story going around is that the deer jumped up and ran.
Link for the rest of us?

Derp, nevermind.

Tyler H
Tyler H GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
6/17/13 2:40 p.m.

That deer looks so lifelike.

slantvaliant SuperDork
6/17/13 2:46 p.m.

Looks like the deer missed the boat.

ArthurDent HalfDork
6/17/13 3:02 p.m.

That deer picture is crazy

wvumtnbkr GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
6/17/13 3:16 p.m.

Hey wanna see a DEER flying over a BOAT on a RACETRACK?

only in LeMons.

Swank Force One
Swank Force One MegaDork
6/17/13 3:17 p.m.
wvumtnbkr wrote: Hey wanna see a DEER flying over a BOAT on a RACETRACK? only in LeMons.

I totally read that in the voice of a hawker standing outside an "Adult Entertainment" tent.


DirtyBird222 SuperDork
6/17/13 3:31 p.m.

I had a great time at the event. We were only there for a few hours Saturday. It was the babies first race event. We tried to check out everything that was going on but it was just too much for my wife (worry wort) to deal with and the baby.

I fell in love with the Lemons event and convinced my dad we need to build something for this through my pictures. I also fell in love with the rally racing! I need to hit a lottery of some sort to build some crap cans. Wish I could have met some of you guys. I felt like I was in the Sebring zoo while traversing the infield of the lemons portion.

I posted it in the other thread but I have some pictures here of the whole Hyper Fest event. Renewed my GRM subscription while I was there too!


irish44j UberDork
6/17/13 5:09 p.m.
Klayfish wrote: Driver with 3 Pedal Mafia here. We had a great weekend, though this was the most broken we've ever been. All 3 of our team cars had issues. We had a healthy lead in Class C at the end of Saturday. But a $.08 plastic part on the clutch pedal disabled us Sunday morning and we couldn't get it back on track until it was far too late for the win...but that's crapcan racing. We were pitted right next door to Sorry For Party racing, they're a great bunch. I can't see all the pictures irish posted, they don't show for me. So I apologize if this is a repost, but this picture speaks for itself. It was captured by our GoPro camera mounted on the boat. Our team captain, Sonic, was behind the wheel. Hopefully he'll chime in with the rest of the fun details, but this picture is worth a thousand words....

We were actually 2 spots behind you guys going into Sunday and we all made a vow that "we have to catch the boat!".....which of course we would have liked to (try to) do with you actually on the track.

For about 4 laps our car and the boat were in a dead heat down the paddock straight there and we kept on telling our driver to actually make a pass, hah...

I walked by your pit a few times over the weekend to say hi, but every time I did everyone seemed to be in a frenzy trying to fix something on one of the cars and I didn't want to get in the way or distract you.....

irish44j UberDork
6/17/13 5:15 p.m.
Klayfish wrote: But a $.08 plastic part on the clutch pedal disabled us Sunday morning and we couldn't get it back on track until it was far too late for the win...but that's crapcan racing. We were pitted right next door to Sorry For Party racing, they're a great bunch.

Sounds familiar....the plastic backing nut on our throttle cable (holding it to the TB) either broke or came off somehow 10 laps into my first stint, so instant loss of gas pedal, had to get towed back in. Luckily we had an old throttle line with the piece still on it so didn't cost too much time.

Also, during my Sunday session (first driver) the whole time I got a hard CLUNK from the engine bay every time I braked hard or turned hard....between that and the RX7 in front of me constantly backfiring, it was pretty annoying. After my stint was over, we found that someone had left a freaking BEER BOTTLE in the battery tray by the firewall (I guess the night before, but nobody noticed it while we were doing morning checks on the engine somehow). Amazingly , it didn't break nor did it fall out. Not really sure who left it there though....it wasn't what the guys on the team were drinking, to my knowledge

DirtyBird222 SuperDork
6/17/13 5:21 p.m.

irish, i can't recall seeing your car on track while I was there. Pretty sure I would have noticed fat jesus on the hood and the satellite dish. I see where I snapped a pic of you being passed. Maybe you were pitting during most of the time I was shooting or I just managed to miss you while walking around every time. That is a great hood btw.

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