For those who have been before....
Our car is getting there at 4am to get in line (with the car owner bringing it). The rest of us were told to not bother showing up until 730 or 8, since he's just gonna park and take a nap.
For those of us coming later:
1. Are we using the Shenandoah entrance, or the main entrance? Don't want to get in the wrong line and end up with people going to the trackday or something (as if I would get Lemons and trackday cars confused, but whatever)
- How long is the wait going to be around that time of the morning (to decide whether to come in the rallycross e30, or take the WRX with air conditioning)?
Yeah, newbie questions. But you gotta be a newbie once :)
I think anyone actually racing goes to the main gate, with all spectator and karting traffic going through the Shenandoah gate, but its been a couple years.
If there's trailers at the main gate and flatbillers in Civics at the Shen gate it will be clear.
motomoron wrote:
If there's trailers at the main gate and flatbillers in Civics at the Shen gate it will be clear.
lol....yeah but Hyperfest isn't until Saturday, so the flatbillers may not be at either gate at 7am Friday (tomorrow) morning, lol.
I don't think that crowd gets up that early anyhow.
We haven't run Lemons at SP in 2 years but the last time we were there we went in Friday AM through the Shenandoah gate with little to no traffic, and unless you are dead set on being right up near the pits there's no need to get there that early. We had a sweet spot near the bath house on the back straight and we didn't get in til 9ish.
What are you guys running so I can look for you? I'll be up there Sat/Sun for Hyperfest shenanigans.
Well, the car is already there (they took it up tonight) so I'm not worried about getting a space.
We'll be running the e30 that I painted last month (except with an alternate "bribery" hood) rally-x e30 will probably be parked with it in the paddock (since it fits more gear boxes and stuff than my WRX), as well as the old dark blue e30 that rallycrosses. You'll know all the guys I'm running with from rallycross, Karl.
We're also pitting next to the gold MGBGT.
here's the car