New Reader
5/8/16 8:39 p.m.
Re piece priming - sure, it took me a couple months to prime my project. Just make sure you have a good coat on it all, lightly sanded (600 min), and clean it thoroughly with a paint prep. Resist the idea of running bare hands over your bodywork. Don't forget a decent respirator, you don't want to inhale most of this stuff.
Awesome. Then I just have one more question. The plastic bumper covers... Obviously those won't get to bare metal, scuff them and reprime?
5/10/16 7:35 p.m.
revrico wrote:
Awesome. Then I just have one more question. The plastic bumper covers... Obviously those won't get to bare metal, scuff them and reprime?
Get a plastic adhesion promoter for them. You can buy it in a rattle can. If they are bare plastic, if they are already painted then don't bother just scuff them.
5/13/16 11:14 a.m.
How does everyone feel about this for $250? The goal would be to use it for paint, usually small projects with the occasional car/boat once every 3 years.
That's pretty similar to what I have at home. Heck, we use two similar setups like that to run Flyin' Miata. I've used to to paint at least three cars.
Tip: bolting it to the floor will make it quieter. Leaving it on the pallet is tempting but wrong.
In that vein, is a low hp pump on a high volume tank going to be a problem? I grossly underestimated the volume of the aircompressor I'll be borrowing,its closer to 60 gallons than 30, but looking online, the motor is only 3/4 hp. This one actually
Maybe I'm over thinking things again. That's been happening a lot with this project, painting a car is apparently much easier (ON PAPER) than I thought it should be.
Re: piece priming.
I have a 2011 expedition, is it possible to prime and top coat it in sections? I.e. roof, front end & hood, 1 set of doors, etc.
New Reader
7/19/21 7:35 a.m.
In reply to ddavidv :
Was your "yes" for my question? We only have the 1 vehicle, and its so big to prep & paint all at once. I also wonder how much paint it would take.
7/19/21 10:17 a.m.
Cdahlen said:
Re: piece priming.
I have a 2011 expedition, is it possible to prime and top coat it in sections? I.e. roof, front end & hood, 1 set of doors, etc.
You can do that, but if the paint is metallic, it may not match between panels. In fact it most likely won't as you won't be able to blend the spray passes across adjoining panels to get a match.
7/19/21 10:25 a.m.
Cdahlen said:
In reply to ddavidv :
Was your "yes" for my question? We only have the 1 vehicle, and its so big to prep & paint all at once. I also wonder how much paint it would take.
As for how much paint an Expedition will take, it will depend on whether you're going for a solid color, a metallic with clearcoat, and whether it's going to be the stock color or a different color. With an HVLP gun, it should take a little over a gallon of color if a solid color. A little less of the metallic color (as you're just going for coverage not thick, glossy finish. That's going to be the realm of the clear coat), but another gallon of clear on top of that (this is before mixing the paint with catalyst and reducer). If you're using a conventional gun, it'll probably take more as more of the paint is being wasted in overspray.
It's hard to mix just enough color for a panel or two and not waste some of it if you catalyze it as you can't store it again for later use. And calculating just how much you need out of a gallon for each panel is problematic. That's why painters shooting just a panel or two usually start with pint cans of unmixed color and mix up just enough to fill the gun to the amount needed.
7/19/21 10:33 a.m.
And yes, prep is 80-90% of the paint job. Even on a custom job where you may be laying down several colors. Like this past weekend when I replaced my MINI's deteriorating stock vinyl strips with ones ghosted in pearl under a new clearcoat.