2/4/10 7:39 p.m.
Heh, one of mine was an 88 Renix 4.0.. only reason i got it (so cheap, or i wouldnt have got it) was because of electrical issues that had the PO burnt out. Now, as a mechanic, i was able to fix them, but i DID notice that not only was the Renix system a little crappier for power (low rpm similar, but high rpm sucks compared to the chrysler EFI stuff), but the materials of the harness just sucked. As in the harness and wires, connectors, etc just didnt age well and were in poor condition.
I would own another one if it was under $500, but anything over that it BETTER have the 91-up chrysler system. I think the hp difference is around 30 hp, although its all where you will never use it because the motor sounds like its going to blow. 
i have an 88 ,i6 ,5spd ,4wd ,longbed, regular cab, f150 that is soo BA and i got it by trading a shell of a car for it.= has been and awesome truck , gas mileage is really outstanding , i've towed a stuck mitsubishi fuso box truck out of a ditch with it and i use it for my construction business . I am in love with it really. I've had to do some maintenance since the last owner was neglectfull but even major repairs have been inexpensive ,towing is awesome, And i had a 93 nissan hardbody 2wd,reg cab, shortbed, that was a lot of fun, reliable it had 200K and i drove it 16 hours nonstop twice across country. I once pulled my father's 01 longbed, four door,2wd f250 while loaded and stuck in a muddy ditch. gas mileage however was kinda woeful, I've also driven my dad's truck quite often and was using it everyday for a while and the gas mileage is very good , it's a 5.4L v8 , towing is awesome and the newness is really something to behold...i had a 96 4wd ,2 door chevy tahoe , 5.7L , even with the cloed rear i could put a lot of stuff back there and towing was a breeze , and empty and with the stuff i did it ran 13's in the quarter...if that is any kinda helpful info ,
i've had and used a lot of trucks my family has also had tons of trucks around all my life, and right now i love my f150 , however i've been really looking into 12 valve diesel dodge trucks....oh man.....
mtn wrote:
Osterkraut wrote:
2WD is not really an option, I should have stated as much. There's a very good chance I'll be in a snowy part of the ol' US of A before the end of the year, and 4WD would make my life a lot easier.
Would that be the flat snowy part or the hilly snowy part? Cause flat+snow+snow tires is no problem.
Never owned a 4wd truck... in fact for years ALL I owned were 1wd trucks on normal truck A/S tires. Throw 150lbs in the bed and call it a day. It ain't about how many wheels are driven, it's how you use the wheel inside that matters.
Bobzilla wrote:
mtn wrote:
Osterkraut wrote:
2WD is not really an option, I should have stated as much. There's a very good chance I'll be in a snowy part of the ol' US of A before the end of the year, and 4WD would make my life a lot easier.
Would that be the flat snowy part or the hilly snowy part? Cause flat+snow+snow tires is no problem.
Never owned a 4wd truck... in fact for years ALL I owned were 1wd trucks on normal truck A/S tires. Throw 150lbs in the bed and call it a day. It ain't about how many wheels are driven, it's how you use the wheel inside that matters.
The man has a point. Except when you live in a place with hills that gets tons of snow. You can get buy with a 2wd in that situation, but why would you want to put yourself at such a disadvantage.
I think the Cherokee (XJ) may be becoming the Miata of the SUV/truck world. There are a million of them out there, they are cheap and durable and there is a large aftermarket support group. I finally broke down and purchased one last December as a winter vehicle first and work vehicle second. Problem is it's just too nice to be a beater and of course I keep working on it and making it even nicer. So my two daily drivers are a Miata ( for dry days) which has been lowered 1 1/2"s and a Cherokee (wet/snowy days) which has a 3" lift on it. Talk about the opposite ends of the spectrum! One I climb down into....... the other I climb up into. The only downside to the Cherokee is the dismal gas mileage but fortunately I work only three miles from home so the hit is fairly minimal.
I have a 2000 Tundra V8 SR-5 w/ 113k on it that needs an exhaust repair, a tune up and some other things. Interior is in nice shape. It has new shocks, timing belt, a radiator and runs great but I need a bigger truck for my new trailer. Dealer offered me $5500, you can have it for the same if you are so inclined.
Hmmm... You have my attention. And a PM.