In reply to pimpm3:
Just a heads up man, looks like I'll be in Starke Saturday morning/early afternoon if you wanted to meet me and hand off some parts. I don't know how much room you've got in your tow rig or how much you wanted to keep track of the morning of. I've already dedicated a corner of the shop to stuff I'm bringing so it will be easier to load come Wednesday night.
this needs brake lines 2 car build ? needs ride to challenge also,,,,,,,,,,, new brake lines in car n 70 miles from challenge hotel
10/16/14 8:10 a.m.
Stop it, Karl! I think that there is enough work to do with just one car...
I'm glad Pseudo has been checking in, he knows MS much better than I do. I am very hesitant to give out possibly misleading information.
Hopefully, he can suggest and easy to configure AFR setup. I have had good luck with inexpensive aem uego units in the past. MS should be able to emulate narrowband so any wideband o2 can plug in where the stock o2 is removed from.
Hopefully #3 has compression and we can just try throwing junkyard parts at it to settle ignition issues. When checking compression take note of the spark plugs in there, might want a set at least one step colder if boost is being thrown at it.
Sounds like there is enough fuel present to should move it well.
Time permitting, throwing in the egt is never a bad thing. I have personally seen boosted engines melt spark plugs halfway down the threads!
I am thinking that plumbing in that intercooler would be a good alternative to even bother mounting the decklid. we can make it a top mount style and even though airflow might not be great it would be easy to lay ice on it between runs.
I'm over medicated at the moment but trying to help out and keep things moving as ideas occur to me... looking forward to meeting up soon and banging some wrenches against this thing...
just sayin pot glan b if needed
Here's the O2 sensor, on amazon.
The Megamanual said:
MegaSquirt-I™ EFI controller software has some support for Wide Band (WB) EGO sensors. MegaSquirt-II™ EFI controller software has full support for Wide Band (WB) EGO sensors (12x12 AFR table, etc.). Such sensors are made by:
NTK (L1H1), also sold as Bosch 13246, and
Bosch (the LSU4).
These sensors (with an appropriate controller, such as Innovate's LC1 or LM1, or the TechEdge units) have a different trigger point for stoichiometric compared to a narrow band sensor, and the opposite “slope” to the voltage curve. They require a separate driver board to operate, such as the:
DIY-WB board,
Tech Edge controllers, or
Innovate controller.
Willrunifchased said:
MegaSquirt-II PCB v3.57
I'm still doing some more reading on what is needed for it to talk to a wideband. Also Per the megamanual a narrowband O2 sensor will work, it's just not as accurate, and can stop working if the exhaust get's too cool. Not likely in a turbo but hey....
Also I'm not sure if it will thread into the stock sensor bung or if we would have to add another.
If you guys were going to make a list of things you needed at the event, what would it be? wink, wink
Stuff like a generator, lights, a tent, anything like that?
10/16/14 11:51 a.m.
Tom Suddard wrote:
If you guys were going to make a list of things you needed at the event, what would it be? *wink, wink*
Yeah, can you get the BBQ truck to stop by the southwest corner of the parking lot on thursday night? something like 7-7:30 works for me, thanks! 
Tom Suddard wrote:
If you guys were going to make a list of things you needed at the event, what would it be? *wink, wink*
Stuff like a generator, lights, a tent, anything like that?
scales, alignment tools, hand tools, a second generator would be nice in case we can't get the other running.
Continued because my phone is stupid.
a tent bigger than 10x20. If this cool weather trend continues we might need a heater.
10/16/14 1:13 p.m.
I think I will grab some stock injectors as a back up. If we can't figure out the mega squirt we can run it off the original ECU and remove the turbo.
Someone should do a time lapse video of the build. I might be able to bring a GoPro to record some of the shenanigans, but a second camera would be nice to have.
10/16/14 1:13 p.m.
I am bringing a 10 x10 tent and a folding table
Derick Freese wrote:
Someone should do a time lapse video of the build. I might be able to bring a GoPro to record some of the shenanigans, but a second camera would be nice to have.
Can't decide if I want to stream it, or time lapse it.
I've just got the wife's Ipad. "If you buy me a lifeproof case for it, you can use it." 
I've still got unlimited data on my phone plan, so I was going to set it up nearby as a hotspot. The area around the motel has a pretty decent 4G signal and regularly speed test my phone in the area and end up with 18mbs +
Unlimited data here, too. It might be really nice to have multiple internet access options down there.
10/16/14 1:50 p.m.
In reply to Spinout007:
The MS2 will work with a wideband, you just tell it which controller you are using. You need a wideband controller, Innovate, etc.
In reply to Derick Freese:
Maybe, likely. 
Stopped by and looked at the area on my lunch break. Getting cars up that hill could be fun if they don't move under their own power.
Don't worry, you'll have plenty of people willing to push.
Tom Suddard wrote:
Don't worry, you'll have plenty of people willing to push.
Yeah, but will they be there in the AM to push it onto the trailer if we don't have it sorted yet?
If the person is belted in the car, and the car is on a trailer, is it illegal? 
Someone post a link to what wide band we want and I will get on Amazon preferably. If I use my points and the receipt shows $0 it doesn't count towards the budget, right?
Also if we could locate some 15x9-10 wheels in 5x100 I have a set of 275/35-15 a6 sitting at home. If not the 225s will have to do.
In reply to WillrunifChased:
"Someone post a link to what wide band we want and I will get on Amazon preferably. If I use my points and the receipt shows $0 it doesn't count towards the budget, right?"

I'll defer to someone with more experience with them before I tell someone where to spend their $$. I linked the sensor earlier. Without the car in hand there's no way to tell if it's wired for it already.
APSX wideband sensor and controller on amazon goes for about $138 shipped but I’ve never used that brand. Innovate MTX and AEM EUGO are about $160 on amazon. Innovate LC2 with gauge on ebay goes for $160 but since the gauge is separate and not the controller like the MTX you can sell it off for about $85 and have a $75 wideband in the budget.
or buy any of the above, tune the car, then remove it for zero budget hit.