11/25/14 11:46 a.m.
I'm headed to Wisconsin for Thanksgiving. I'm thinking about driving my LS1 Camaro, but I wonder if the PC680 battery (520 hot amps, 170 CCA) will be able to start the car in 10-20 degree weather. I've never had problems with it in TN, but it doesn't often get that cold here.
Grab one of these on your way out:
And then either charge it while you drive, or charge it in a wall when you get there. If you don't need it, no harm no foul. If you do need it, mine works great.
It'll probably be okay IF it starts right away. You could disconnect the battery and bring it inside if you're really worried so that the battery is warm when you go to start.
That's a small battery for that engine. I went to a PC925 when I installed my V8.
I think an LS will start anywhere, anytime. I have a 2000 Silverado with a 4.8, I leave it at the shop, usually without the block heater plugged in, and it fires up the same at -35 as it does at +35.
Low friction, good design and Mobil 1 5w30.
11/25/14 12:56 p.m.
Keith Tanner wrote:
That's a small battery for that engine. I went to a PC925 when I installed my V8.
It's an autocross car, so weight matters (even in a Camaro). It may not be ideal, but a friend sold it to me used for $20. So far, so good.
Thanks to all for the answers.
Next relevant question: ever driven on snow in Sumitomo HTR-Zs?
11/25/14 1:06 p.m.
When in doubt, rent. I hate dealing with junk cars in bad weather AND road tripping.
In reply to Keith Tanner:
with Ultra High Performance summer tires i imagine it will be a fun ride all the way until it hits a tree.
11/25/14 5:11 p.m.
I'm definitely keeping an eye on the weather. I have driven the car in minor snow before, but TN tends not to get snow like Wisconsin gets snow. I've already told my friends up there that any significant amount of snow could keep me away. SO FAR, the weather reports say my route is going to be snow-free on my driving days, but I thought it would be good to ask, just in case.
I'm actually undecided between driving the Camaro and my SW20. On paper the MR2 is definitely the car to take, but its tires are pretty worn. Oh, and it doesn't have ABS.
ABS isn't going to matter one iota if you have no grip anyway.
If I were in your shoes, I'd consider putting some decent tires on the SW20 and take that.
Yes, rent something for the trip.
4th gen Camaro with Sumitomos or SW20 with bald tires?
Sounds like the worst "Choose Your Own Adventure" ever.
Swank Force One wrote:
4th gen Camaro with Sumitomos or SW20 with bald tires?
Sounds like the worst "Choose Your Own Adventure" ever.
Or, "Will a larger American car be more likely to save my life than a small Japenese car when I slide under a semi?"
Don't be dim. Rent, borrow, ride the greyhound, fly, stay home, hitchhike...
Former Camaro-ownin', but still livin-in, Wisconsinite, here. Even with proper winter tires, a Camaro can be a handful, in snow. Don't berkeley around. Rent a car. Srsly. 
11/25/14 6:32 p.m.
I got caught out by an early snowfall while I still had my dedicated summers on my Golf.
That was the one of the worst 5 mile drives of my life. Crossing entire states? No!
having driven Star Specs in the snow... you are going to have a lot of "fun". As long as I was rolling, I was fun.. but accelerating was definitely not the highpoint of any high performance summer tyre in snow.
11/25/14 9:33 p.m.
mad_machine wrote:
having driven Star Specs in the snow... you are going to have a lot of "fun". As long as I was rolling, I was fun.. but accelerating was definitely not the highpoint of any high performance summer tyre in snow.
Having driven Rivals on ice into the median...resulting in a car fire...
All seasons are good enough for most cars over 3500 lbs. Anything performance, RWD, or lighter really should be running winters in winter.
In reply to Will:
I don't know where in WI you are going, but I live here in Milwaukee, and as I write this the roads are a slushy mess...which is even worse than fresh snow.
kylini wrote:
mad_machine wrote:
having driven Star Specs in the snow... you are going to have a lot of "fun". As long as I was rolling, I was fun.. but accelerating was definitely not the highpoint of any high performance summer tyre in snow.
Having driven Rivals on ice into the median...resulting in a car fire...
All seasons are good enough for most cars over 3500 lbs. Anything performance, RWD, or lighter really should be running winters in winter.
A friend left his E30 overnight here to have the winters installed. It snowed , and it was all I could do to get 75 feet into the shop on Rivals.
11/26/14 9:41 p.m.
Well, I'm in Wisconsin. I ended up taking the MR2, and the only problem I had was that one headlight got stuck in the up position thanks to a huge chunk of ice that formed on it.
But... regarding the battery, as long as the battery is in good shape and wouldn't require long cranking, don't worry about it. You should be fine unless it gets super cold
11/26/14 11:26 p.m.