I am right now in Iowa right now just over the river attanding the NAMDRA car club 30th anaverysy car show and drag race weekend. I came down this weekend to photogragh the car show this weekend. The weekend is all about amc cars. Lots of amx, javilins, seavral machines, a couple of sc scramblers, a few spirts, one rouge, one rambler, gramlins, and many other very cool amcs here today.
the weather is over cast and raining. tommor they plan on trying dragrace...its 80% chance thunderboomers...
so we will se if they have to run on sunday instead.
I was going to post one v ery cool pic of a matatdoor wagon pulling a trialer with a gremlin on it. I have to edit all the photos before i can show a couple and get the two sets that i sold set out first.
I did get a short ride in an loud and fast amx for a short ride around the padack and it was very cool though.
i will write more on the show after this weekend when i can think more.
I was starting to look for a new car thats good on gas and after this weekend i am thinking i want an amc foe somewthing cool and different for a daily driver....
Sweet! AMC's rock - be sure to post lots of pics!!
i will be posting something this week, i want to talk to the club and ask if i can post some of them. the rain sucked with it raing all day on friday, and lots of sat morning. after seeing the weater report i decided to head home sat after noon since there did not seem to be much point in sticking around to do any more photos. i had shot most of the cars the day before. I was the car show photo guy for the weekend and it was kinkda cool.
did not get to see any of the drags, i dont think they even got the chance to race even on sunday with the rain. Not much for a swap meet area. i did pick up 2 aftermarket radio's with cd players for $20 for my olds and something else down the road.
meet some really cool people and seen some really rare amcs in a couple of cases. got a short ride in a drag raced amx for a short ride in the paddack, he got on it a little bit, it was fun at least since the last time i got a ride in one was my dads before it was parked in 1981. i think i was about 6 at the time.
after this weekend i am looking for a new daily driver and i was not sure what i wanted to get, after this its going to be some type of amc, just because they are cool and totaly different and most yourger people do not even know about amc....out of sevral people i talked to at work, only the owner new about amc beacuse there was a factory in his home county in iran....