2/13/09 9:26 a.m.
"1973 Plymouth Roadrunner - $2695
Drives good, runs good, sounds mean. 318 V8, tires ok , brakes ok. Drive it away for $2695."
LOL I thought about taking half a vacation day and just going to get it. It would cause a huge fight, but I am thinking it just may be worth it. (it's never worth it).
I love/Hate craigslist. I gotta stop looking there....
*drool... How much of a fight would she put up?
2/13/09 9:31 a.m.
It is easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Then again, tomorrow is Valentine's Day....
2/13/09 9:37 a.m.
pigeon wrote:
It is easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Then again, tomorrow is Valentine's Day....
OMG I didn't even think of that, I don;t want to ruin my one chance a year at .. um.... you know.
the more often you do that sort of thing the smaller the fights, in my experience. You do want to be sensitive to timing the car's introduction, but at this point my wife barely raises an eyebrow.
New Reader
2/13/09 9:52 a.m.
pigeon wrote:
It is easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Then again, tomorrow is Valentine's Day....
Yes! Perfect! Tell her it's her Valentine's gift! 
Meep, meep!
No, though. My assessment is that it would not be worth it.
Clem (the guy who's not married anymore, in part due to E36 M3 like this ;))
wait until the monday after V-day...bring it home and see what she says. If she doesn't like it, it can always be half the purchase price....
In '73 the 318 was the base engine in the Road Runner. It was more a decor / insurance company package than a performance model at that time. The 340, 400, and 440 (only with the GTX package on top of the RR package. '73 was a weird year) were the performance models.
In the Mopar world, the post '71 cars don't get as much respect as the earlier ones. Even the '71's don't get the same respect as the '68-70's, but that gap is closing.
1973 introduced the isolated K-member, transmission cross member, and leaf spring isolators to the B-bodies. Think big rubber biscuits to make the car ride smooth but worse for handling. It also introduced extra crash bracing adding more weight to the cars. Patch panels and other reproduction sheet metal isn't as readily available for these years as the are for the earlier cars. No matter what, check it for rot. Check the frame rails, rockers, quarters, fenders, etc.
With all that said I like the '73-74 cars. I also like 318's. But I love my wife. There is a numbers matching green on green with black stripes '73 Road Runner GTX (440 car) in the family. I've had a couple opportunities to buy it, but Erin isn't that thrilled with the car. I'm not willing to sleep on the couch to bring that one home, let alone a 318 car.
I guarantee that thing is completely full of bondo for that price. I had a '70 clone that I bought, and sold for more than that 15-years ago.
2/13/09 10:53 a.m.
EricM wrote:
pigeon wrote:
It is easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Then again, tomorrow is Valentine's Day....
OMG I didn't even think of that, I don;t want to ruin my one chance a year at .. um.... you know.
your... one... chance... at... a.... $2600 roadrunner.
I wouldnt want it. Its probably really really nasty for that price.
There's a 73 in much worse shape for bout the same dough here. Which means that one's problems are WAY below the skin.
anyway, a 318 in something that heavy is like buying a v6 mustang. You can, but why?
If not that she will be mad about something else and probably leave you in the end anyway so you might as well make it worth it!!
No I am not bitter. What makes you think that?
Can't tell much about condition from the price, but don't bet either way. LOOK for rust in the usual places, and the Mopar-specific spots (torsion bar sockets/subframes, etc) and check for deep bondo.
Valentine's Day just complicates things. There's no way to "win", and few ways to survive.
Bringing home an old car on Valentines' Day would take full advantage of the opportunity to fail style!
Not that its a bad thing in this crowd-but that sure looks like a rustoleum $50 paint job.
My uncle had one of the original roadrunners.. I remember my dad and my mom repainting it in our garage. My dad did all the shooting and my mom handpainted the roadrunner and graphics on both sides.
My uncle also used to have an SCRambler he drove on the roads in full red, white, and blue regalia
Buy it. If she gets mad then tell her that you are the man of the house and you know whats best, then remind her that you make most of the money anyways, that should calm her down.
Trust me, I'm 22 and unmarried but I'm pretty sure I know how the world works. LOL
2/14/09 9:57 a.m.
mrdontplay wrote:
Buy it. If she gets mad then tell her that you are the man of the house and you know whats best, then remind her that you make most of the money anyways, that should calm her down.
Trust me, I'm 22 and unmarried but I'm pretty sure I know how the world works. LOL
LOL seriously i actually laughed out loud
dude, that was awesome, I may have a new quote for my signature
2/14/09 10:34 a.m.
EricM wrote:
mrdontplay wrote:
Buy it. If she gets mad then tell her that you are the man of the house and you know whats best, then remind her that you make most of the money anyways, that should calm her down.
Trust me, I'm 22 and unmarried but I'm pretty sure I know how the world works. LOL
LOL seriously i actually laughed out loud
dude, that was awesome, I may have a new quote for my signature
I know--possibly the dumbest thing I've ever read on the internet. If it's sarcastic, it's brilliant. If it's serious, it's brilliant in its utter mental deficiency.
WOW. lol
2/14/09 11:08 a.m.
mrdontplay wrote:
Buy it. If she gets mad then tell her that you are the man of the house and you know whats best, then remind her that you make most of the money anyways, that should calm her down.
Trust me, I'm 22 and unmarried but I'm pretty sure I know how the world works. LOL
If you really are 22, that self aware AND smart enough to make THAT joke, you ARE going to do well in the world.
Actually, you may be the smartest 22 year old I've ever encountered, myself included!
Guys, I'm picking up project No. 7 next weekend, I don't ask and she don't complain. its better to be cars than women, she gets that.
You have to have the bills paid first
I know--possibly the dumbest thing I've *ever* read on the internet. If it's sarcastic, it's brilliant. If it's serious, it's brilliant in its utter mental deficiency.
Pretty damn sure:
1) It was sarcasm
2) It was f'ing hilarious.
Regarding the topic at hand: I always just tell my wife about it. At most she rolls her eyes. No big deal and if it really starts a fight, why? Assuming you're reasonable and aren't constantly causing problems with your cars.. heh.
2/14/09 5:32 p.m.
mrdontplay wrote:
Buy it. If she gets mad then tell her that you are the man of the house and you know whats best, then remind her that you make most of the money anyways, that should calm her down.
Trust me, I'm 22 and unmarried but I'm pretty sure I know how the world works. LOL
Voted up.
I nominate this for "Say What".
New Reader
2/14/09 11:35 p.m.
Get it but don't make it a Valentine's present. I've given my current (3rd) bride presents ranging from pressure washers to frying pans to nice jewelry. One of the failures was a very nice '83 BMW 633CSi. She thourght I was really getting it for myself.