For those that don't know me, I have long hair (which isn't going away). When working in the garage obviously I like to try to keep grease and grime out of it, as well as when I'm on the creeper something to keep it "contained". Otherwise unfortunate things can happen involving the wheels of the creeper... Usually I use a dedicated garage beanie, but that's way too hot for summer. Any other suggestions?
7/16/18 8:44 a.m.
How long and how do you do it? I did moderate amounts of wrenching when my hair was long and just kept it in a ponytail. If it is long enough I would recommend multiple hair ties. Before it was long enough to pull back I kept it under a dew rag.
Mine is in a ponytail.
I tuck it in my shirt when I use a creeper. You only forget a couple times before it becomes habit.
Obviously you need to put it in a man bun.
I've always been attracted to ladies with a nice French twist though.
Ian F
7/16/18 8:58 a.m.
I generally wore a baseball cap. My hair was/is rather thin and never did a ponytail very well (would loosen almost instantly).
For better or worse, once it started getting thin on top, I chopped it all off. That was over 25 years ago. (sigh...)
Hair is long enough to go about halfway down my back. 99% of the time it is either in a ponytail or man bun.
Dew rag / bandana has been tried, honestly I would love a beanie that was made of under armor or something similar. I may try the baseball cap. I rarely wear one normally, but it could potentially work in this case.
Ponytail for most things. Ill add a baseball cap if its needed (under the car/when its sunny out)
I cut my hair after tangling it in the creeper wheels about 18 years ago and never looked back
7/16/18 10:54 a.m.
Well never had long hair but dew rags keep hair clean and have better visibility then hat. How about the unisex hair nets used for restaurant, hospital, etc. workers.
7/16/18 10:57 a.m.
Yours is much longer than mine was. I’m thinking hair net or tuck it in your shirt.
I never really figured out a good solution but sometime in my mid 30s heredity male pattern baldness solved that problem for me permanently.
Pony tale combined with backwards baseball hat and a lot of apathy towards grease and grime.
My wife's girlfriends compliment me on how soft and shiny my hair is. They ask me what I use.
They don't like the answer of: "ATF, gasoline or antifreeze depending on the day"
I cut mine when it gets too my shoulders but it's always shaved underneath so I just tuck it in a baseball cap 90% of the time. Looks like I have no hair.
7/16/18 12:25 p.m.
I wore a buzz cut for a while.
I told a friend, “It’s a lot different than when my hair used to reach my belt line”.
He said, “Meh- same difference”. I was a little surprised. I didn’t think my military-ish buzz cut was anything like my hippie long hair days. So I asked him, “what do you mean, same difference?”
He told me they were both ex-con looks. 
I just flip it over my shoulder. If I run over it, it's just a little hair getting ripped out, BFD.
At home, I just slide around on cardboard, can't get a car high enough for a creeper. Sliding is faster and easier anyway.
I was hoping to be the first to say, "Get a haircut and get a real job, hippie." but I see I'm too late.
The combination of rolling over my hair with a creeper, body temperature control and male pattern baldness led to my haircut. Saves money, too. I haven't paid for a bottle of shampoo since my daughters moved out.
Signs say you got to have a membership card to get inside.
Bucket hat and pony tail.
7/16/18 1:44 p.m.
Bunned up and wear a hat, generally. Sometimes pony if its light work.
Is there a thread for bald guys and suggestions for not burning your head when laying near those crappy old school trouble lights?
How many of you guys saying "get a haircut" are the same guys who were defending cargo shorts and Crocs a short while ago?