Looked what i draged home... It used to be a great factory built winning car....
No idea how long its been outside but by the amount of mold and moss its been at least a year.
Radiator is empty and oils milky but it did fire after a few hours of messing with.
Was hoping to have it ready for the open show nov1st.....oh well maybe next year.
So who's got a EFI 1000cc bike motor for cheap?
Looks like your going to be having some fun.
makes me want to look at used cricle track cars near me.
10/26/08 11:22 p.m.
that does just look like a silly amount of fun :D
looks like a neat challenge car? Locost catergory anyone?
Paied a little to much for it was told it was ready to run and inside the garage.....$1500 if it were as promist it would have been a great deal now i over paid as oil is milky and over full and rad is empty
You got Personal WebSpace to work?!?!
It is not easy but stupid people can be very ingenious at times.....
I always thought Dwarf cars were aircooled. What engine is in this one.
I have a GS1100. It is a carb'd version, but you could 'Squirt it. It is shaft drive, too.
$1500 is a good deal for a complete Legends car. IIRC new ones go for around $13-15K. I saw my first one up close and personal at the Wolf Ridge Hill Climb; no way my corpulence can squeeze into one of those!
Jensenman wrote:
$1500 is a good deal for a complete Legends car. IIRC new ones go for around $13-15K. I saw my first one up close and personal at the Wolf Ridge Hill Climb; no way my corpulence can squeeze into one of those!
That is correct. For a Dwarf car like posted above, it's not quite as good (but I think, still reasonable).
It be a smoking good deal if it was hop in and drive normaly this MFG would be in the 3500-5000 range race ready.
This is alos a Big Man chasis the doors on the big side and the body width is at max width. I've known this car since the day it was ordered and i have it older brother that flip 7 times end over end and then barell rolled 4 times.
The 310lbs drive whos 6foot 4 got out and brushed off the dust and picked up his cell phone and ordered the new car right there with the saftey crew dropping the wreck on his trailer. Now i can fix the wreck as i can measure side by side.
The curent ill motor is a 94 gsxr 750 i got a "blown" 1100 to but don't know whats blown in it i didn't see and rods poking out but didn't look that much loaded up and got out.
New Reader
10/27/08 10:15 p.m.
I've always wanted to put headlights on one of those and go cruising.
New Reader
10/27/08 11:59 p.m.
man dont let jeremy see that.. he will prob freak... did you race at tss this weekend?
Nope the 44 has rods danging out of it and bent rear housing and two snapped axles.
The 88 will take a while to fix was hopeing to make the open show nov 1st and 2nd with 88 but anit no way...
So you know me who are you sector 7
ChrisTaylor wrote:
Jensenman wrote:
$1500 is a good deal for a complete Legends car. IIRC new ones go for around $13-15K. I saw my first one up close and personal at the Wolf Ridge Hill Climb; no way my corpulence can squeeze into one of those!
That is correct. For a Dwarf car like posted above, it's not quite as good (but I think, still reasonable).
What's the difference between a Dwarf and a Legends car? I thought they were interchangeable terms. Shows how much I know. 
New Reader
10/28/08 9:00 a.m.
dont know you personally but i a friends with skip trudeau and i know jeremy from another bored in new hampshire.. but kinda figured if it had to do with dwarfs in this area.. you knew jeremy.. and my name is chris.
Dwarf are the fathers of the legends car.
Legends are a full 100% spec class. You must run there body, there chasis, a sealed motor from a lic seller etc.
Must run fenders too.
Dwarfs are more open you can build your own chasis as i did with the 44.
There are spec motor dwarf too. One group i helped found uses 02-03 gsxr 600's we picked the 600 cause they were plentafull and cheap on e-bay so it more drive and car prep. But i sold that car and whent back to 1250cc and under open motor group.
I like to see what tuning and chasis work can do up against bigger motors
Those things have got to be a blast. I want one.
How long to engines normally last in one of those cars? Every time I have seen them race at least 1 or 2 blows up every race.
Depends...I got 9 season out of one only thing I did was clutch plates once and plugs twice a season.
It hit the wall a few to many times and the cases were twisted but it made it 80+ laps before it went poof.
One of the resons i want EFI is you just toss it in and go. I don't realy ever mess with my motors but i doo search for spec on parts, like cam gears that are factory can and do have 10 deg of tolerance so i look for ones that are as close to factory spec as possible. I never got to do my 600 car, my back was blown out and i was traveling all over the world for work.
Sky's the limit on prices but Dwarfs ARE with out any doubt in the mind the cheapest form of racing.
you can find races ready cars in ther $2500 to 3500 range all day. My cost this year for tires was $425 for the ten races and theres still meat left. Gas is mixed 50/50 110oct ($85 / 5gal) and preium pump gas, maybe 3 gallons a weekend