Help! I can't remember what this car is called. I can't find it on the Internet.
I remember reading on the Internet a few months ago about a car which was custom made for racing. The car was not street legal and looked like an old Speed Racer type car with a fiberglass body which was just lowered down on top of a tubular frame. These cars were rather cheap, but I don't remember the pricing. I remember the manufacture was out west, in California or Arizona or something like that. The manufacturer had made 1,000 or a few thousand of them over the years. You could buy the kit from the manufacturer or you could buy a complete car.
Does anybody have any idea about the car I am talking about. It has nothing to do with a road car.
Or switching the topic. Can anybody recommend a good, inexpensive purpose built race car design? Something like the Ariel but US made and much cheaper and with a real body / not open wheel.
I don't think it's the car you are thinking of, but the 999 Motorsports car fits the bill for a purpose made, full bodied race car.
Looks fantastic, but way more than what I am looking for. I remember this was a car which the body was a one piece body which just lowered down over the car frame. Almost like a glorified go-cart race car. And the car should not be too expensive.
charliep wrote:
Help! I can't remember what this car is called. I can't find it on the Internet.
I remember reading on the Internet a few months ago about a car which was custom made for racing. The car was not street legal and looked like an old Speed Racer type car with a fiberglass body which was just lowered down on top of a tubular frame. These cars were rather cheap, but I don't remember the pricing. I remember the manufacture was out west, in California or Arizona or something like that. The manufacturer had made 1,000 or a few thousand of them over the years. You could buy the kit from the manufacturer or you could buy a complete car.
The "made 1,000 or more" part almost sounds like you're thinking of an SCCA Spec Racer Ford, although as usual "rather cheap" might be relative.

YES! That is it. SCCA is in my bookmarks, but not the car. Thanks!!!
But for due diligence, does anybody know of any other race car designs similar to this car? Did this car ever have any competition which never reached mass production? Were there ever any other alternate designs?
9/16/12 11:28 p.m.

You could even get them with a v8. I want to say they made a streetlegal one somewhere in the world....
Some Radicals are street legal in the UK.
The Radical in your pic has headlights, mirrors and UK license plates. I'm guessing it's road legal.
To the OP, look at D-Sports Racers. There are a lot of them out there. The LeGrand that's very popular in D-Mod SCCA Solo has some similarities to the FSR.
Brilliant! This forum is fantastic. I should have come here to begin with. Any other comments or suggests are greatly appreciated. And can anybody tell me the difference between a CSR and a SRF?
SRF is a spec series, with a single chassis (made by SCCA Enterprises) and a single motor. CSR is fairly open, with maximum engine size and weight specs, but quite a number of chassis are eligible.
looks like fun, but if i was gonna get a cheap spec racer, it would be a Legends car.

9/17/12 9:25 a.m.
There is also these
Like mini nascars with motorcycle engines
The biggest thing I would say is to check your area for what kind of groups are running races. Because if you can't find any events to go to then that would suck
modernbeat wrote:
I don't think it's the car you are thinking of, but the 999 Motorsports car fits the bill for a purpose made, full bodied race car.
Where do they race these in the US?
These are similiar to the aussie race cars...
9/23/12 10:19 a.m.
I don't think 999's cars have taken off or really been delivered yet. At least I have never seen anything about them besides their own advertising. I personally think they are hideous as well