Not your usual HF or race car trailer. I am about to buy a 23 foot Sea Sprite. A full keeled sailboat with a 3 foot draft and a displacement of 3300 pounds.
So far, I either find trailers that cost more than I am buying the boat for.. or one that needs two new axles.
Any hints?
Hire somebody or rent one? My minimal knowledge of sailboats that size is you generally keep them in the water or in storage next to the water, so owning a trailer is unnecessary.
that is an option.. but I would like something I can store the boat on for winter too.. rather than forking over a grand to store the boat at a yard. At least if I drag it home, I can do work to her without it becomming a big production of dragging tools and E36 M3 to the yard
4 miatas with some square steel tube that makes them into a roughly rectangular shape?
Seriously though, where are you located? Around here there are a ton of nearly free boat trailers on CL.
NJ tom.. and the cheapest I have found that can handle my boat... is $800 and needs new axles. I may have to check out some of the boat yards around here and see what has been abandoned
Oh, wow! Boat trailers are basically worth scrap value down here, probably because there are so many of them.
Here's a $300 that would work, for example. It was literally the first thing I clicked.
Here's another.