Pull up to your next event looking like a seasoned GRM veteran or chill at home under your project car with our Ultimate Track Car Grassroots Motorsports T-Shirt.
The cotton T-shirt features our iconic logo and artwork inspired by the Tire Rack Ultimate Track Car Challenge Presented by Grassroots Motorsports. Pricing starts at $22.50, with sizes S to …
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Looks like Daft Punk were the models for that one.
If I acquire any more GRM tee shirts my wife will likely kill me. I can easily wear a clean one every day for over a week already.
I am tempted on the mesh shirt though. Everybody wants to see a sweaty fat guy in a mesh shirt.
We all know the true ultimate t shirt is Angry Shifter Guy.
AClockworkGarage said:
I'm still waiting for the shirt I bought in september.
We'll shoot you an email and get that resolved! Sorry for the delay.
Loweguy5 said:
If I acquire any more GRM tee shirts my wife will likely kill me. I can easily wear a clean one every day for over a week already.
I am tempted on the mesh shirt though. Everybody wants to see a sweaty fat guy in a mesh shirt.
The mesh shirt is awesome. I'm a big fan of dri-weave type materials and this stuff is really good. It's an opaque top layer with a mesh liner, so no one will think you're the washed up high school quarterback hanging out at the Tastee Freeze in your Camaro two years after you graduated. It's not that kind of mesh.
Appleseed said:
We all know the true ultimate t shirt is Angry Shifter Guy.
That is a personal fav. Can't disagree.