At the end of the day, a line gets drawn. Sure, your ctsv, a screamin deal/bang for the buck; grassroots. If you showed up in a bentley? Or brand new bmw m5? Nope!
Somebody racing in a professional series using their own money, some sponsorship, and a whole bunch of volunteer/extra unpaid work? Grassroots.
$2k workbenches? Oh hell naw. Somedays Hot Rod is more grassroots than GRM :p
I especially hate spin on stories. Say you got the stuff for free, but dont ever spin it that you (the kid in college with an old fosuc) is going to drop $2k on a workbench. Its insulting to us. And while I applaud the parents ability to (assuming) provide these things for their kids...
In fact, after reading the article again, it screams upper middle class bullE36 M3. I'm actually a little pissed. I was never in a poor family by any stretch of the imagination growing up, but it would be the f'in day I had enough scratch to drop $2k on a workbench or my parents bankrolled it. And I worked a part time job throughout high school and flipped cars on the side (much more.profitable).
This isn't about how well off the Suddards are, I am more than tickled they busted ass for decades to get where they are. Spinning that into full-time college/working student buys a $2k workbench though...
No reasonably sane person is spending $2k on a bench unless its a gift. A gift I would absolutely take. But dont pass it off like us joe schmoes should be looking at this.
As for the whole "there are lots of people this caters to", uh, no, there isn't (percentage wise). It is a very niche product for people fairly well off (or their priorities straight, I suppose).
Anywho. This article just rubs me the wrong way. I've built amazing benches before, and they dont have to be that expensive. Simple as that. And I'm spent! 
Nope, I am back. Yes, someone is more grassroots than someone else if they do the same/more with less. So yea, the guy with the $200 bench IS more grassroots. Just like the guy who does the same engine swap with only an engine hoist and not a lift.