Trying to be upbeat but damn, how bad does it suck to have to come home and tell your wife you got canned? Let me assure you it sucks. I'm going to hussle and get something else so don't feel sorry for me, I'll work in a rock quarry or something. In the meantime, I'm going to have a vehicle sell off party, you're all invited...
Who wants to buy my 940 turbo wagon? I haven't even driven the thing or put the title in my name, just drove it down to the suspension shop (new lowering springs, shocks, bushings.) See my previous post but ad will go in the classifieds shortly.
2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee, see ad in the classifieds, I need to get more pics on there but I just had new brakes put on the thing.
Ive tried several times to post an add for my volvo but no luck. I emailed the administrator to see what happens but here it goes...
Just bought this. I paid about $4 k for it plus transportation costs, which was a few hundred dollars. I have a suspension shop that is putting some lowering springs, bushings, shocks on it from the IDP catalog. The value of all that is at least $1,500 but I wouldnt know, the work isn't done yet (shop owner's wife had a stroke) so I haven't yet got the bill.
I havent even driven this thing. Runs good, low miles, do a search and you will see a lengthy post about the whole car and my buying experience. Im not sure how much its worth, I never saw one in this good condition so I thought the price I paid for it was reasonable. Im open to offers of course but Im going to insert an amount I would like to get and see what happens! $4,750 obo thanks

Good luck with the sell-off. That is a very clean volvo.
BOOST BOX!! GL with the sale man, I'm really sorry to hear about the layoff. It's happening to WAY to many people.
Spinout007 wrote:
I'm really sorry to hear about the layoff. It's happening to WAY to many people.
Agreed. Good luck, Plance, and shame you have to sell.
thanks, Ive got everything I own for sale, my house even but thats been for sale prior to today's events, its just a question of what sells first and how quickly I can get a job, if things work out I will keep the volvo. Jeep's definitely gotta go though, my wife and I have spent a boat load on that thing, who ever ends up with it has practically a new car.
Time is not now to have an emotional attachment to cars but damn this is gonna hurt...
11/4/09 8:23 p.m.
Bump for a scary and sucky situation. And a nice car.
Next time, throw that cash into a high yield savings account and keep it there so good projects don't have to go to waste.
Good luck with the new job hunt.
carguy123 wrote:
Where are you located?
The S.O. would LOVE an auto turbo volvo wago...n.
You did a good enough job of hiding the plates, and being a Cali resident I can't really help if it's an out-of-state car.
11/4/09 11:38 p.m.
no plates on it. Im in cincinnati ohio.
In reply to plance1: Talk to me about the Volvo Wagon. I can be reached at
New Reader
11/5/09 7:34 a.m.
In reply to plance1: Disregard, more than I can afford
plance1, sorry to hear you've joined the club with the rest of us unemployed. What shop were you taking it to? I hope it's not the one I'm thinking of... (long time friends that I don't hear from often enough).
Ah, man.
Well, I wish you the best of luck. I can only hope that you actually liked the paycheck more than the old job, and that this will force you to find the job that you love (or some hippy crap like that, hahaha).
Good luck bud. Challenging days. Stay positive.
Sorry you lost your job. I empathise, I lost mine about 5 months ago. Keep a stiff upper lip and all that jazz.
Nice Volvo too
Sorry to hear about the job. I'm about a month in since I lost mine. II've picked up some contract work, and had several interviews, so hopefully I won't be in the woods too much longer. Best of luck.
We went through something similar in june after 12yrs let go. We ended up having to file BRch13 . While scary it has turned out to be the best thing that could have ever happened to us. Pm me if you would like more details if any of you are in trouble. I'm not a lawyer but i can put a lot of the old wives tales to rest that was scaring us.
If you could wait about a month, I'd be interested...
Good luck man. If I find $4750 in my coat pocket or under my couch cushion, I'll be headed your way.
plance, remember one thing: this was a business decision. it was not personal. you are still a rock star in whatever your chosen field, and everything you've ever done in your life has in some way prepared you for your next job. now, you are a salesman. the product is you.
unless you were a douche, and got fired rather than laid off. then maybe it was personal. 
11/6/09 12:11 a.m.
Thanks for the support and kind comments. I'm in the construction industry, I have a degree in Architecture and have worked as a contruction manager/administrator for 15 years. Our industry is not doing so well right now. I was laid off due to an overall lack of work, not fired for being douchey or anything. Tons of people have called about my jeep so if I get rid of it first (it too is in the shop getting some work done on it), I will end up keeping the volvo.
11/6/09 12:12 a.m.
In reply to wtsane:
opps sent you an email before seeing your second post.
It's taken this long but Im now gainfully employed. Sold the wife's jeep as a means of surviving, never did get any serious offers on the volvo wagon so it looks like I get to keep it and turn up the boost. All is well that ends well.
Awesome. Glad to hear this.