Changing out the Diff fluid and the transmission juice sometime this week and was looking for recommendations. Mazda recommends that both be swapped out at 50K on teh RX8 and i am just slightly past that. Mostly wanted brand recommendations, when i asked this on an RX8 forum i just started a fight over everyone's favorite brand. Was thinking about going with Red Line... Figured i could get a better answer here.
Redline is pretty good stuff. I use it in my Miata and my truck and it hasn't let me down yet. Using their trans oil makes the Miata's shifter noticeably smoother.
I use Redline in the Miata's rear and transmission, too. It is an excellent product. If I recall, I used MTL in the transmission, and 75/90 in the rear (or vice-versa, I really cannot remember).
Amsoil all the way in my Liberty and ZX2SR.
Redline MTL for the transmission, and Mobil SHC630 for the non-clutch differentials. Redline MT90 for the clutch differentials.
3/9/10 9:55 a.m.
Another recommendation for Redline here. Great stuff and never had any problems.
I will say though that I 'm going to try Royal Purple next as my local O'reilly Zone Advance stores carry it. With Redline I would have to either mail order it or make a pit stop at Pegasus which is a 1.5 hour drive.