11/4/14 1:45 p.m.
I've been thinking of getting myself a new RWD toy, and since I've never owned a rotary, I thought it could be a good opportunity to sample one. Thing is, when I started to shop around I noticed that for about the same price (4k) I can get either a really nice GLS-SE 1st gen RX-7, a nice driving 2nd gen RX-7 turbo, or an early RX-8 with a warranty from a dealer.
I want to have something that will feel special, and that can adapt to my changing wants (autox, occasionnal summer DD, trackdays, and some hillclimb eventually). I've never driven any of them in anger.
The first gen attracts me because it's the simplest it has classic lines, and will be considered a classic soon.
The RX-8 is apparently the nicest drive, and being a father, the added practicality is a real bonus for now, but I'm afraid the running cost (i.e. engine swapping, tires, etc.) will make this a bad proposition.
The second gen turbo is more of a mystery to me.
So rotarty experts, please educate me on those, and share your thoughts.
12A powered SA is my favorite, but maybe I am biased. I have owned two of your three listed, and driven the third. I prefer the simplicity of the SA22C cars over the others. It won't be the best car of the bunch, but it may be the easiest to live with, and not kill you with maintenance.
I'm biased towards the first generation cars. 12A parts are getting harder to find, but I wouldn't let that stop me from getting a clean non-GSL-SE. That said, the Turbo II will outperform it in every way and definitely feels more modern. They're still old cars, though.
I'd stay away from an RX-8 that cost $4k. They are awesome cars, and most of them don't have engine problems. It should be noted that the one I owned from 15-66k miles had low compression at 60k and was replaced under warranty by Mazda. If you can swing one that's still under the 8 year, 100k mile warranty, do that. The chassis is better than the other two, and it's faster.
I have a fondness for the first gen cars, but for me, the rousing performance of the 2nd gen Turbo II makes it the one to own. I've had mine for about 10 years now. It has just over 100k miles on it, and still has the original engine.
If I was looking for a first gen, it would definitely be the GSL-SE. Second choice would be the first year cars. What was that, 1978-79?
I wouldn't much mind an RX-8 either, but I was underwhelmed by the thrust when I test drove one several years back. They'll be in pretty good supply for a few years yet. The 7's are getting harder to find in good shape.
Buy mine:
I know I'm asking too much, so make me an offer. I really don't want to sell, but it probably makes sense to do so.
Hate to say but how are your wrenching skills? They will all need something but a 4k SA/FB that is well sorted and no rust will be your best bet just for the sake of simplicity.
One more thing to put in perspective is the 8 is more of a gt car as the FB and FCs are sports cars in their right.
Good luck.
RX-8 w/warranty.
I'm tired of driving old cars that are outperformed by modern economy cars.
11/4/14 3:30 p.m.
Much as it pains me to say it, but ^this^.
z31maniac wrote:
RX-8 w/warranty.
I'm tired of driving old cars that are outperformed by modern economy cars.
Didn't you just get a BRZ?
An early RX7 is very much an old car. It has a carb. The really early ones have points. You can get your stinky old car needs met completely with this sort of thing. An RX8 is a modern car. Ask the computer what's wrong and it will probably tell you. An FC is in the middle and contains all of the awesomeness and horror that turbo cars of that era are known for.
Personally, I'd pick up as clean a FB as you can find/afford. They're interesting creatures and at this point won't lose value. You could drive it for three years and sell it for what you paid. They're fun to drive, kind of neat to work on and attract a bit of attention. You can autocross them and enter them in classic car shows. If you buy a crappy one you can even rallycross it to some degree of success.
I had more fun in my first gen 12A than I ever did in my 2nd gen NA. That being said, I loved them both (no RX-8 experience). If push came to shove I'd buy the cleanest 1st gen 12A I could find and "try it out". If I liked it (which I'm sure you will*) I would run it ragged
If the engine let go during the "run it ragged" process, I'd swap in a carbureted 13B with the help of an adapter kit and run it ragged again.
- seriously. After I bought my first 12A it was over a decade before I bought another piston powered car (Lada 2105).
In terms of pure "Which one really does it for me" i'd go with the latest TII FC RX7 i could find.
In terms of which i would probably enjoy owning the most? RX8. Hands down.
I drove a 1987 FB non-turbo for 18 years and put 286,000 miles on it and I’ve currently got 216,000 miles my 2005 FD which needed a new engine at 85,000 miles (however, this may be attributable to a faulty radiator repair).
Anyway, I agree with mazdeuce, go for the GLS-SE. It won’t lose value, is really simple to work on, and has the 13B motor which is extremely robust.
Some might view a GLS-SE vs FD comparison to be similar to a 914 vs 944 comparison but I don’t agree. Although the GLS-SE is much less refined than a FD, it’s still relevant in terms of its handling and composure.
I think R&T once said something like “if all live axle’s performed as well as the RX-7’s, nobody would complain about them”…exactly.
I would get an FD. By far the most fun of all the RX's I have had and I have had multiple iterations of each generation. Second on my list is my 86 sport that I put the driveline in from a T2 in to. After that either a very early or very late FB. Both had thongs I liked. I tried a gslse and it was great but fore some reason I liked the early and extremely lightened 86 sport better.
In the end all are great cars and I would love to own another one some time
In reply to RX Reven': people comopair a GSL-SE to an FD? I can see an FC but FD???? I agree with you there is no comparison.
dean1484 wrote:
In reply to RX Reven': people comopair a GSL-SE to an FD? I can see an FC but FD???? I agree with you there is no comparison.
Hi Dean,
No, I meant some people would compare a GSL-SE to a FD in a similar way that they would a 914 to a 944 but I don’t see it that way.
Anyway, I don’t want to thread jack and it doesn’t matter.
I have a real soft spot for the FC(2nd gen). It's the first car that I fell in love with. I've never driven an FB, but a GSL-SE would be right up there for me. I also love the RX8, but I wouldn't pick up a super cheap one. You're really asking for trouble with that cheap of an RX8. TL;DR if I were you OP I'd pick up an FB.

How could you resist??? Steel bumpers, and the lightest one you will ever get in stock form. You know you want one!!!
Not an SA22C, but the Hot Wheels it was based on was. So secksy!!!

11/4/14 6:12 p.m.
In reply to Mazdax605:
That's a gorgeous car, but I live North of the border in "La belle province" which means that importing cars here is needlessly complex. But seeing everyone's answers so far is really pushing me towards the 1st gen.
No it isn't. I imported a car from Canada in August. I don't see how it would be tough going the other way. My car was a JDM car from Canada into the USA. Can't be anymore complicated yet I was at the border crossing for maybe 45 minutes. Of course if you bought my car it may implode at the border. What with the Bruins sticker on it and all.
I gotta say FC turbo on this one. I love their styling and they are pretty quick.
Isn't the answer really an early Miata with a 13b in it?