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Tyler H
Tyler H GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
2/22/13 8:34 a.m.
fast_eddie_72 wrote: I've used izoom and been glad I did. That's where I'd go. They ship really fast too.

I got my new numbers from Sean @ iZoom yesterday. Got a handwritten 'thanks for my continued business' on my invoice, which was nice since I bought my last set 7 years ago. The old set still looks good, too.

JG Pasterjak
JG Pasterjak Production/Art Director
2/22/13 10:03 a.m.

Here's everyone who is currently advertising







We've dealt with all of them at one time or another and haven't found a bad one in the bunch.


onebadrsx05 Reader
4/2/13 11:07 p.m.

In reply to JG Pasterjak:

Thank you for your post...

I started my business last year because the person we used in our region got out of it. I am super glad that I have gotten into it and been able to help my region people as well as other states and advertise with GRM. I got a message the other day from my friend here locally that said "Nice ad!!" I was like awesome thanks!!

Just as an appreciation for GRM subscribers/forum personnel, people who like my facebook page, www.facebook.com/autocrossmagnets and tell me they saw my ad either on here or in GRM this past and future issues, will receive either free shipping OR a free set of #1's... Either order will also have the option of receiving my free advertisement magnets (12x3 or 12x1.5 with my facebook address on them). I look forward to working with any/all of you all! (Just as a heads up, I typically converse back and forth with you to get exactly what you want. And produce/ship them within 48 hours, In rare circumstances I may take an extra day. But for the majority of times after receiving payment via paypal it will only take 24 hours for produce/ship.)

Thanks so much! -Owner AutocrossMagnets Scott

gofastbobby New Reader
10/31/13 3:00 p.m.


So I bought a Saturn...Does anyone use the reusable vinyl or static numbers? Do they work well?

Duke UltimaDork
11/1/13 10:45 a.m.

I have seen them in use but never used them. They do seem to work pretty well, but are more fragile than magnets. The guy I talked to said he got 2-3 seasons out of a set before they stopped being clingy enough to work. He was pretty careful about keeping them clean and placing them back on their storage sheet, too.

onebadrsx05 Reader
11/1/13 8:18 p.m.

Gofastbobby, i will more than happily help you out. I am the facebook.com/autcrossmagnets guy. And i have a static cling set that i sell but as duke said its alllllllllllll about keeping then clean, and being very careful. I have a local guy thays gotten a year and half on his and hes still going strong, also had a guy get 2 events on his before he pulled them off and they stretched. So its all about being careful with them. If you treat them with care and respect they will last along time. If not youll be looking for a new set.

I can also do removeable but they are one time use applications.

Email me for more info. Autocrossmagnets@gmail.com

Look forward to your email! May be alittle longer than normal response time. Im in a chumpcar race tomorrow at atlanta motorsports park (amazing facility and track if no ones been there)

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