So apparently, this is a MKiv Supra with a 1fzfe (Land Cruiser 4.5 litre i6), a gigantic turbo, and programmable AWD.
The good stuff starts here:
The "build thread" is here:
In the build thread, they mention that the turbo that you see in the pictures is "Too small for our 2500hp goal. Will be going to a 114mm turbo later." 
And here's a picture to get you started:

Other than drag racing, I think that turbo would give new definition to "turbo lag."
So when it's done, what will they do with it?
triumph5 wrote:
Other than drag racing, I think that turbo would give new definition to "turbo lag."
They're actually spooling it on the transbrake by 3500rpms... Less laggy than most big turbo supras, i would imagine. 
Keep in mind, this isn't a 2jz, and i heard the word "stroked" thrown around a few times. Quick google search shows that 4.7 and 4.8 litre stroker kits exist for this motor, which combined with a built head and a propensity for flow that Toyota inline 6s have, i could see this thing actually having a large powerband.
In reply to Tom Heath:
That's what I was thinking.
Tom Heath wrote:
So when it's done, what will they do with it?
That's a great question... i think they'll be dragging it, but no real class in mind, since it's not legal for... well, ANYTHING.
It's one of those answers to a question nobody asked, but one of those instances where the project as awhole is awe-inspiring, if a bit useless and VERY SCARY.
Tom Heath wrote:
So when it's done, what will they do with it?
I'd imagine they will sweep up a pile of chunks... and sell a rolling chassis.
7/29/10 2:38 p.m.
Funny, "too small" were the first words that popped into my head when I looked at the turbo too.
7/29/10 4:38 p.m.
Too small for a Caterpillar earthmover, maybe.
The man paying to have this built must have the smallest penis in the world. I can see no other purpose.
no no mahn when it come up vtech yo it be showing you some bad yo 
You have to wonder how the bottom of the crank bearings will survive. At 2500hp that crank is REALLY going to want to exit the bottom of the engine.
I mean the pictures look real cool.
And all that stuff looks like it goes fast. Vids would be great.
I think this answers a question nobody asked...
How to make a supra more expensive but not much faster and a LOT less reliable
well, look at it this way.. the remaining supras just got more expensive
mad_machine wrote:
I think this answers a question nobody asked...
How to make a supra more expensive but not much faster and a LOT less reliable
The reliable part, i'll give you...
But if you see the REALLY powerful supras get on it, you'll see that traction isn't their strong point. I at least applaud this effort to fix that problem. I'm not sure if i would have pushed the envelope with ANOTHER 1000hp, but hey. To each his own.
I'm a firm believer of sledgehammers over scalpels and subscribe to the school of "There is never too much power," so this appeals to me on a very primal level.
aircooled wrote:
You have to wonder how the bottom of the crank bearings will survive. At 2500hp that crank is REALLY going to want to exit the bottom of the engine.
Good question. It's a more robust engine than the ricer's wet dream 2jz, though, and built iterations of those have seen almost 2000hp.
Here's a video of another one of their AWD projects...
All I could think of when I saw the pictures was what Bill Cosby said on his 200MPH album.
"Its got a hickey. You know what a hickey is, that's where the supercargers live."
interesting project with the soarer/lexus...
93celicaGT2 wrote:
Here's a video of another one of their AWD projects...
am I the only one that wonders why videos of these mega-power cars are always of the car on a dyno, rather than actually doing anything?
It's like people build them just to "say" that they have a 1000hp car or whatever, and then just trailer them to dyno days and car shows....