Looks like the ND I preordered has hit the dealer's lot. If we buy it there it'll be more of a daily summer driver but I would want to take it to the odd autocross (even though it doesn't have an LSD...).
That said, the Mazdaspeed site has this little nugget in its fine print: " Mazda vehicle warranties are voided if the vehicle is used in any competition event."
Does anybody have any experience if Mazda does qualify autocrossing as a competition? I assume they do, but given that this place knows everything I figured I'd ask before I call Mazda customer support for confirmation.
What Mazda won't know won't hurt them.
There is that, but our local SCCA chapter publishes the results on the web with full name and car model...
No problem.
Yes, I autocross. I have an NA for that!
I'd be really surprised if that same little nugget isn't on every single manufacturer's warranty card anyway.
Simple. Don't provide the car model when you register.
How will they uniquely identify you as driving your car? Unless they are taking pics of the license plates at events then they can't. Some people cover their plates with tape at the event just so pics don't show up with them going around cones.
That said, I've never heard of anyone having Mazda give them trouble for autocrossing.
It's not as if autocross is racing...

Keith Tanner wrote:
It's not as if autocross is racing...
And, here we go...........
I heard a rumor that when the EVO was first sold here Mitsubishi paid someone to surf SCCA results and look for people running EVOs for the purpose of denying warranty claims. I have no idea if it's true, but it may not be worth the risk.
Also, "blackbox" data that all cars contain some form of could bust you, too. When I worked for an OEM there was a lot of concern on the part of lawyers about who owned that data, and whether it could be mined. I wanted to look at it to find out how people were actually using them to improve the breed, but it's not hard to imagine it being used against an owner.
Keith Tanner wrote:
It's not as if autocross is racing...
Oh snap!

That's why the quote says "competition" and not "racing", I assume.
In reply to pushrod36:
Or the insurance data loggers that certain companies like Flo push. I'd be interesting to see what that does to your rates after a few autocrosses.
something to think about...
This is why most / all track days discourage lap timers. That way it is NOT a competition. It is for insurnace reasons but this same logic applies to car warranties.
turboswede wrote:
Simple. Don't provide the car model when you register.
But then you can't get or maintain Mazdaspeed membership. You have to submit official results that contain location, SCCA region, driver name, and vehicle make/model, at least twice per year.
For what it's worth, I know someone whose RX-8 blew its engine at an autocross. (White smoke failure, which is an unusual one for a rotary, but I wasn't there) It was towed to the dealership with all of the decals/magnets in place, engine was replaced no questions asked.
Drive it in the "Exhibition" class.
7/21/15 10:04 p.m.
I think this is going to mostly be a dealership issue just like it is with any kind of mods. For a company who so actively pursues a reputation in grass roots and more amateur motorsport to outright start witch hunting people for autocross would seem terrible
IIRC, Subaru did it with the original WRX -- the one that came with an SCCA membership.
This is a gray area, nobody will officially tell you that it's OK, but historically it's not been a problem with Mazda.
I've been autocrossing and rallycrossing my 2015 Nissan. 8 events so far, two dealership oil changes, one recall done (console was supposedly snagging people's right feet?), and one warranty claim (weatherstripping). All is well and no one is the wiser.
You don't have to worry about it unless you have a warranty problem.
What are the odds ?
Don't think dealers actively check competition results and probable wouldn't be a factor unless a warrantied part breaks and you're taking it the dealer to get the part that broke during competition replaced under warranty. And the part broke due to competition.
Same applies for insurance. Most insurance policies have a competition clause too and they would never know unless you file a claim on an accident directly caused during competition. I've had to file a claim for my autocross car due to an incedent on the street, not autocrossing and it never came up. If I damage the car autocrossing then I expect to pay it out of pocket without going through insurance or warranty, whatever applies.