New Reader
12/10/14 4:54 p.m.
Hi all,
Firstly, great forum you've got here, I stumbled upon it accidently whilst trying to dig up info on building something worthwhile out of a Mazda f series engine. Seems like there's a whole lot more love for the Mazda f than can be found in a lot of other places.
I'm playing with my daily driver, an 85 ford courier (Mazda b2000) extra cab and was seriously considering trying to go for a v8 or even v6 conversion because I thought itd be an easier path to power.... Until a few threads here and on mx6 re educated me on the fact that I can make more power than I'll ever really need in the platform it'll be living in, and probably more than what the drivetrain will handle.
So, long story short, I have a spare fe-t sohc 8v engine from an early 626 turbo and also a f2 sohc 8v that came from my old courier. I'm looking at running the f2 bottom end with the fe-t head, though unsure about what I'll do camshaft wise.
At this stage I'll be looking to use the fe-t turbo manifold with an adapter to fit a Garrett ct26 that I have laying around (minimal shaft play if any but pretty sure it needs a reseal). I also scored a rwd 929 8v inlet manifold a while back which I'm hoping to use, though I'd say I'll be needing to fit a bigger throttle body and port it out a bit to suit.
Engine management wise, I have an ems stinger ECU that should be more than capable of running the whole shebang.
Basically just looking for some pointers and input on the direction heading and also to clear up a few queries and concerns.
1, rev limitations of both the f2 and also the 8 valve head, as well as what kind of improvements can/need to be made... Keeping in mind reving the snot out of the engine isn't a nessecity for me, but a bonus if I can noe and then.
2, oil squirters were in f2t's? Or the fe3? Is it worthwhile drilling and tapping for them? Assuming a f2 truck motor doesn't have them standard.
3, what kind of power can I put thru a Mazda oval box, I'm keeping an eye out for a r type Mazda box, but they don't seem to come up to often and not sure if I need to bother swapping it.
Absoulutly anything else that will help me on my way is also welcome.
I'm not actually sure if the old Magnum head will go on an F2 block easily. JamesMcDonald might be able to answer that.
1) I've seen the F2 in 12v form rev to 7600rpms. There's no point to doing that. I'd say 6500rpms should be perfectly safe. The head should also be fine around there. Porting is always a good thing to do.
2) I wouldn't bother with oil squirters. If you have them, cool. If not, doesn't matter.
3) Oval box = smooth case miata 5spd-type box? The torque will shred it first. I'd say in a street truck you should be able to get away with 250ftlbs to the wheels, maybe 300ftlbs if you spin a lot and don't hook up. If the CT26 you're speaking of is the OEM Toyota unit from the MKiii Supra, i have it on good authority that it's not going to be easy on transmissions. It hits like a sledgehammer.
Let ME as YOU a question or two. 
1) That 929 F2 intake manifold... were all F2 powered 929s 8v? No 12v motors?
2) Why not just source a 12v Bongo head?
Well that's.... interesting. 
Maybe i do need to investigate the whole "FE-T" head is better thing.
I happen to have an F2T and an FET sitting next to one another in my shop. I put a tape measure on them and noticed that the distance from the cam center line to the head surface, is not the same between them. It's hard to tell without taking things further apart, but there's perhaps a 1/4"-3/8" (6mm - 10mm) difference.
I'm not sure if that difference could be taken up by the timing belt tensioner. If not, perhaps a tensioner roller of a different diameter could be machined to make it work.
I don't think that can be taken up with the tensioner, but i'm sure i could find another belt that would work. (Guys use Toyota belts when using FE3 head on F2 block)
Are the cam gears the same diameter?
The cam gears are the same part..
New Reader
12/10/14 7:07 p.m.
Wow, thanks for the responses and interest, I think I'm going to like hanging around this place just fine.
SFO, as far as I'm aware... The vast majority of fe/f2 8 valve heads are the same, though that said, I do believe there are 2 different 8valve castings.I'll double check both heads and see if I can find casting numbers to verify if they are the same or not.
By oval box, yeah, I mean the smooth case, same as early rx7's , miatas, 929's and rwd 626's. I actually have a rwd 626 box in the garage that I'm hoping to harvest 5th gear out of to make highway cruising a little nicer.
Though due to the figures you just quoted it sounds like it probably won't be a long term sollution for me...
Ok, I'll see what I find re oil squirters when I strip both engines... If they aren't there, I probably won't worry about trying to source some.
The ct26 is OEM Toyota, but I believe its from a landcuiser diesel... I'll check the ar's and maybe you guys can verify what it is?
Questions for me you say?....
I don't recall seeing any 929s with 12 valve heads in my travels over the years... Doesn't mean they don't exist, but would possibly put it onto the unicorn category, the rwd 8valve was a hens teeth type find as it was.
As for the bongo, not overly common here, though I do ocasionally come across 12 valve f8 engines in e1800 vans..
Besides, I have all this stuff just sitting here, where would be the challenge in just forking out more cash for stuff I don't have?
Not saying it isn't a future option, just that I'm up for the challenge of working with what I have.
New Reader
12/10/14 7:13 p.m.
James, just to clarify, the f2 I have is an 8 valve as is the fet. So I'm fairly sure that height difference doesn't apply in my instance. That said, I'll seek to varify that for certain when I get a chance.
I'll also try and grab the 2 head gaskets when I do the strip down and see if there are any differences as per your photo.
Oops, reading comprehension fail. 
Every time I see "F2" I think "12v" since we only got the 8v in trucks and I've never dealt with them.
New Reader
12/10/14 8:01 p.m.
Haha, all good mate, happens to us all at times.
And yeah, the f2 i have came from a truck.
Swank Force One wrote:
Well that's.... interesting.
Maybe i do need to investigate the whole "FE-T" head is better thing.
I like the idea because it would get rid of the HLAs. Also, making gobs of power on eight valves would be more hilarious.
New Reader
12/10/14 8:17 p.m.
JamesMcD wrote:
Swank Force One wrote:
Well that's.... interesting.
Maybe i do need to investigate the whole "FE-T" head is better thing.
I like the idea because it would get rid of the HLAs. Also, making gobs of power on eight valves would be more hilarious.
And that's the main reason for wanting to use the fet head, no hla's, and alleged sodium filled exhaust valves...
Plus who else has done it? So why not me.
12/11/14 7:39 a.m.
I like this thread, and welcome! Lets get some pictures of the Courier. They are fairly rare here in the states.
JamesMcD wrote:
Swank Force One wrote:
Well that's.... interesting.
Maybe i do need to investigate the whole "FE-T" head is better thing.
I like the idea because it would get rid of the HLAs. Also, making gobs of power on eight valves would be more hilarious.
I keep forgetting that one has solid lifters!
Yep. I'm trying this.
More exhaust flow, less valves, less limphootus HLAs? I like.
Daeman, post up some pics of your truck.
Ever done an 8v FE head before?
12/11/14 4:20 p.m.
Can I at least get one pass in my car before I have to tear it apart again? I like the idea of the 8v and solid lifters, but dammit the car hasn't run yet.
mndsm wrote:
Can I at least get one pass in my car before I have to tear it apart again? I like the idea of the 8v and solid lifters, but dammit the car hasn't run yet.
You're already limited by your clutch. Let's not get greedy. 
JamesMcD wrote:
Ever done an 8v FE head before?
nope... but that F2T head I hadn't seen before either....... 
New Reader
12/11/14 4:46 p.m.
Thanks Ross. I'll try and throw a PIC or two up shortly. Ford Australia badge engineered the bseries as a courier in Australia from 1985 to 1998, so its just a b2000 with different hood and grille and a couple of other minor cosmetic changes they had to make in order to sell it as a different vehicle. Pretty sure the series before was another Mazda/ford joint venture. Mazda and ford did heaps together here.
Mazda 323/ford meteor
Mazda 626/ford Telstar
Mazda b series/ ford courier
also the ford raider was a revamped proceed wagon.
There's probably a few others I've forgotten
New Reader
12/11/14 4:49 p.m.
Stupid question, but can I post pics directly in the thread or do I need to host them with a 3rd party and insert link?
Gotta host with a 3rd party. [IMG] tags work, or click the camera icon above the text box. 
New Reader
12/11/14 4:52 p.m.
That's some nice looking ports oldeskewl, I take it they're f2t exhaust ports? Did you remove much material or was it predominately smoothing and polishing work.
I've heard there's quite a bit of material behind the valve seat that can be cleaned up and opening up the valve seat can yeild some good results.... Any thoughts on this?