neon4891 wrote:
clutchsmoke wrote:
I think diesel is a good move for Mazda. They might be able to steal some sales from VAG.
How many TDI sales are because it is the only "Cheap" diesel car on the market?
Pretty much my thoughts exactly. The only VAG car I would own would be something TDI. Now if Mazda brings over the diesel I would be very seriously considering picking one up.
I would consider one if I were staying here in Europe, where the diesel price is quite a bit lower than gasoline, but for the US market (at least on the east coast) diesel costs more than gasoline. I can't justify the loss of my sweet, sweet RPMs 
clutchsmoke wrote:
neon4891 wrote:
clutchsmoke wrote:
I think diesel is a good move for Mazda. They might be able to steal some sales from VAG.
How many TDI sales are because it is the only "Cheap" diesel car on the market?
Pretty much my thoughts exactly. The only VAG car I would own would be something TDI. Now if Mazda brings over the diesel I would be very seriously considering picking one up.
Yep, I think they will steal many many sales from VW IF the fuel efficiency is high enough. 40mpg may not be enough to cut it anymore with all the high mpg Gasoline cars around.
Javelin wrote:
alfadriver wrote:
They just changed the name.
Oh hey, a TwinForce, er, an EcoBoost!
Oh, hey, a "TwinForce" gas DI was never sold. 
OTOH, a 3 and a 6 were both sold with turbo and DI.
That, and I don't ever recall anyone making the claim that EcoBoost was something new and unique. I sure wouldn't. I may know how it differes from everyone elses, but I also know those details are not at all important to anyone but who makes the car.
Mazdax605 wrote:
Did I call you a crumudgeon? Must be my alter ego. If i did I am sorry.
No, you didn't. And I never said you did.
All I'm saying is that "I don't want to rain on your parade, but I will anyway".