Sorry you bought 034efi, I'd be salty too. 
Haven't had time to read the new issue.. but I put MS on my personal/race car for about $500...
MS1 V3 kit: 193
Innovate LC1: 199
Parts to mod for my setup: $~50 tops (I have this stuff sitting around and didn't track it)
Wire for adapter harness = spare wire I had around from another harness: $free
Connector for adapter harness from blown ecu I had: $free
Injectors: $free, on the car already
Crank sensor/wheel: $free, on the car already
Coilpack: $free, on the car already
Coolant/air temp sensors: $free, on the car already
Tuning laptop: $free, wife's old laptop from college (runs win 95)
Serial cable: $1?, I had connectors and some shielded wire and made one
If you already have a electronically fuel injected car, it can be very inexpensive. It can also be the same if there's a similar version of your motor with EFI.
I spent $150 at the dyno but I tuned my car AND did a comparison to stock management with a chip at the same time which was over half of it. I only gained 2whp doing the dyno tune, which is about normal for a well setup street and track tune. I think I spent $35 on that T&T as long as you don't count the pressure plate I broke.
I'm not sure how that wouldn't be under $500 unless you count my labor and expertise but that wouldn't be fair either. Heck I'm selling my current setup right now for $800 including a brand new LC1 wideband kit.
I do quite a few MS installs on various cars and about average for all the hardware, setup, installation, tuning, etc, is about $1500 plus dyno time. I don't include dyno time because it varies greatly with how the car is going to be used. Drag cars don't usually bother with it, road race guys are super anal about it, and street guys just want their 3 pull number. Depends on what the customer wants.
There are a few more sub 1k options, but not many. eMS Pro, the MSPnP's for the Mazdas, and VEMS(maybe) are the only ones that spring to mind.