The injectors do (did) fire. The car started last night.
But as my nameless Yugo driving challenge running friend burned wrote a new MSQ it boiled the ignition driver and damaged something on the board, as MS won't even show the battery voltage, IAT, or CLT temps anymore.
My nameless friend left me with his MS1 board, so I will get it installed tonight along with a Yugo ignition module and hopefully all will be well.
Edit: I do much appreciate the nameless man's help, driving down to San Antonio twice to help with the project.
He is the muthaberkeleyin man, I completely agree.
I gave him my copy of the $1500 challenge issue, he said someone stole his.
I would try reflashing the firmware entirely before giving up on that first board.
Well. I don't know.
After we melted parts of my MS2. Jonny left me with his old MS1 and a Yugo ignition module. I got everything reinstalled (had to remove the distributor as the clip for my VR sensor broke) got it retimed, and it started.
It drives!
I drove her to work today.
Although I think my wbo2 sensor is dead now.
Awesome! Persistence pays off!
You have to post some pics now 
Car is to ugly for pics. Will break my camera!
Crappy video!
What will cause a stumble when I stab the throttle?
Watching the fuel gauge, I see the pressure go up (which I assume is the vacuum compensated FPR) and it kinda stumbles, catches, and then revs on up.
Note the section on acceleration enrichments:
Nice looking X1/9!
I too would think that it's either the acceleration enrichment or something simple like the plugs/wires etc. From what I know the TPS itself and TPSdot in MS need to be caliberated and set properly.
No TPS, all ignition stuff is new.
I played with MAP AE tonight, lessened the stumble quite a bit.
Glad you figured it out...yep, if no TPS then MAP (MAPdot) which specifies when to ignore the enrichment signal etc.
One day I'll MS a car and do this first hand...