The Krautbeaterwagen, which had been performing flawlessly the past 7 months or so since I bought it, finally broke down this morning. I started it up to drive to work, and it fired up with no issue, having sat for the long holiday weekend un-touched. It got about a mile down the road, and then it just gradually started slowing down, and stopped. I tried restarting it, and could get it to sort-of stumble, with my foot to the floor, for a few seconds, but it would not sustain combustion.
Took the shoe-leather express home and grabbed the wife's Jimmy, leaving the Merc on the side of the road. Planning on flat-towing it home tonight. Any thoughts as to why it would die like that, without warning? Fuel filters were new back when I bought it- about Jan/Feb of this year, maybe 12,000 miles on them. The only other thing I could think of was a loose vacuum line causing the fuel pump to cut off, but a check under the hood didn't reveal anything out of the ordinary. There was fuel visible in the small filter by the injector pump.