jrw1621 New Reader
5/23/08 6:11 p.m.

Today, in Delaware, Ohio I was behind a vehicle exactly like this. You could just bearly read where the stickers said, "Traffic Enforcement" on the blue and white vehicle. It was really cool to see the guy buzzing down the road, quickly. It took everything my car had to keep up with him in traffic as he switched lanes quickly and did 70 mph. The coolest part was the knowing wave that he gave the Smart Car that he passed.

Does anyone kow anything about these vehicles?

EDIT: Here it is a Go-4 Interceptor http://www.westwardindustries.com/

On ebay for $5k. It seems that they go $25k in full police package http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2003-Go-4-Interceptor-II-Parking-Enforcement-Vehicle_W0QQitemZ190224370616QQihZ009QQcategoryZ6722QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Another on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1992-GO-4_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6737QQihZ013QQitemZ230254600945QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW

Other samples http://www.kruse.com/results/return.asp?MAKE=GO-4&RESULTS=1

What I read says that they are governed at 40mph but the one I saw was doing 70mph and accelerated like it could go higher.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
5/23/08 7:44 p.m.

are those actually road legal beyond traffic duties? I have never seen on privately owned and run

Luke HalfDork
5/23/08 7:56 p.m.

70mph in one of those must be scary as hell! If H.F.S Morgan has taught as anything, it's that the single wheel should be at the rear....or maybe not, with that tray/compartment on the end.

Jamesc2123 New Reader
5/23/08 8:34 p.m.

I used to have the most hilarious video of some 3-wheeled micro thing in Asia messing around by hitting the brakes and yanking the wheel, and it would fly up on two wheels (one rear and the front) and skid around with its front bumper scraping the ground. It looked frighteningly easy to do...

I can't seem to find the video, so if anyone else knows what I'm talking about and where to find it, post it up.

jrw1621 New Reader
5/23/08 8:41 p.m.

As far as road legal, the one I saw had regular style, Ohio Motorcycle sized license plates. It was likely registered as a 3 wheeled motorcycle and then not required as much on crash test and safety stuff. It did have a seat belt.

I agree, 70 mpg looked pretty scarry ... but i would like to try it.

I wonder what king of MPG they get?

The one shown on ebay has the Hyundai logo on the engine and on the steering wheel.

Dwight Varnes
Dwight Varnes SuperDork
5/24/08 6:25 a.m.

And thus begins the countdown until we see one at the Challenge. :grin:

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
5/24/08 6:11 p.m.

are they challenge legal?

Deviant New Reader
5/24/08 6:58 p.m.

So is this a candidate for a 'Busa swap, H22 swap, LS1 swap, or jet engine? I'm wanting to place a bet on what the first challenge metermaidemobile is going to be like.

Even if it could only do 40mph it would be a pretty practical around town runabout.

jpod999 Reader
5/24/08 11:24 p.m.

How many people live in a town that uses these? I just thought every town did...

Deviant New Reader
5/24/08 11:45 p.m.

There's none in my town, but we also lack parking meters.

JFX001 HalfDork
5/25/08 8:18 a.m.

You were here in Delaware???

I've seen it....and I am surprised that it still runs/doesn't have a big bullseye painted on it. They are "strict enforcers" of parking tickets.:omg: They also used it to do a drive-by here in town to count the non-registered vehicles that are in driveways and backyards...and published the results in the paper. :evil:

They also have a couple at Ohio Wesleyan as well.


mad_machine GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
5/25/08 9:05 a.m.

published who had an unregistered car in their backyard? Very very nice of them.

When ever I look at one of these (haven't seen one in years" I get that Beatles song stuck in my head.. "lovely rita, meter maid"

ignorant SuperDork
5/25/08 9:10 a.m.

now thats a commuting vehicle

MostExaltedPotentate None
5/25/08 9:25 a.m.

our senior year, a bud scored a non-running 3-wheel Cushman from the airport authority for beans. After we found a bad ground, that sucker fired right up. He drove it all year to school but the novelty wore off real fast... Plus, it was rolling girl repellent.

donalson SuperDork
5/25/08 11:10 a.m.
JFX001 wrote: They also used it to do a drive-by here in town to count the non-registered vehicles that are in driveways and backyards...and published the results in the paper. :evil: -John

what was the point of that?

for the cushmen... we had a small stand up electric at the factory i worked at... I worked 3rd shift which ment all of 8 of us where in this huge warehouse... when it was empty (the cushman) i'd kick it into reverse with the wheel cranked to do a turn, hit the brake the front wheel would lift and do a full 180... was always a hoot :)

but when i think small 3 wheeled GRM cars i think the moonbeam http://mysite.verizon.net/vze6omtd/jorysquibb/

JFX001 HalfDork
5/25/08 4:47 p.m.
donalson wrote:
JFX001 wrote: They also used it to do a drive-by here in town to count the non-registered vehicles that are in driveways and backyards...and published the results in the paper. :evil: -John
what was the point of that? >

It must have something to do with the Delaware City Ordinances. I'm sure someone complained about junk or non-registered vehicles, ergo they formed a "Task Force"...took 6 months to figure out how to address the issue...3 more to research/revise the Ordinance... and 1 more to do the study ( just guessing on that :cool: ).I don't remember if there was a grace period to correct the problems or not, but it was brought out in the open, so they have it on record.They didn't single out anyone, just that there were X amount of non-registered vehicles within the City limits.

I love Delaware, but it's screwy in a lot of little ways.


fastEddie Dork
5/25/08 7:23 p.m.

Thought of this thread today while at a local park/museum.

And not 3-wheeled but still pretty cool.

RidgeRunner New Reader
5/25/08 7:57 p.m.

My old hometown (Lexington, NC) has 'em, the next town down the road (Salisbury) uses a Segway (on the sidewalk, not the street).

I've been to Delaware, OH... I stopped there for some Timmy's coffee on my way to Napoleon.

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