8/20/15 9:35 a.m.
Doing some final fitting of the 302 in the Molvo. Everything is looking great except for the fact that this fitting on the steering rack wants to occupy the same space as the oil drain plug.
Easy button would be to find a manual rack and do away with the darn thing. However, I think I am going to want PS on the car.
Does anyone know if this is just a return line that can be relocated by clocking it to a position on top of bottom of the rack tube? or does it get more complicated than that?

8/20/15 11:19 a.m.
Come on guys, its a Miata part. I can't believe there is anything Miata related that is unexplored on this board.
I'm pretty sure that fitting just feeds fluid to the inside of the piston, so it probably can be moved.I took one apart and depowered it awhile back, I can look at it more closely at home later.
For further study in the meantime these might have some info that helps:
8/20/15 12:32 p.m.
Thanks for the read.
Any idea what holds the rack tube (black bit) to the pinion? Can the whole black tube be clocked so the fitting is now on top rather than behind the rack?
8/20/15 12:44 p.m.
Can't help with your question, but Molvo made me think of Mulva which made me think of Delores.
New Reader
8/21/15 12:48 p.m.
Those little tubes are either pressure or bypass, depending on which way you're turning. I moved one by drilling an appropriately sized hole and brazing a brass fitting that had been turned to fit snugly in the hole. Pressurize the area using the offending fitting to keep drill shavings out of the cylinder. I decided to braze because of the brass fitting and figured it would keep the area cooler. Position the rack so the internal piston is as far away from the heat as possible.
Seems to have worked successfully.
I think the black tube is swaged to the housing, I couldn't see any way to turn it easily.