I can not figure out how the "W" or "M" shaped springs go onto the rear pads. I can sorta kinda put them on where the side with three points faces away from the caliper and the side with the two points face each other. It seems precarious though, and at $7 a set, I don't want to lose any.
There's a picture in the haynes manual that I can't duplicate at all. HELP>
7/2/11 12:16 a.m.
I'm pretty sure on my car they went in the round plastic thing in the corner of the garage.
I can confirm that they're not on the car - I didn't see them when I put it back together. 
I've also found that aftermarket brake pads often don't have the small holes drilled into the backing plates for these springs to clip into. So I've run without. Haven't run into any issues.
They go between the pads with the center of the M facing each other.
White_and_Nerdy wrote:
I can confirm that they're not on the car - I didn't see them when I put it back together.
I've also found that aftermarket brake pads often don't have the small holes drilled into the backing plates for these springs to clip into. So I've run without. Haven't run into any issues.
are there supposed to be holes for the back ones?!
The front pads had holes for the springs, the rear ones (from the same company) did not.
iceracer wrote:
They go between the pads with the center of the M facing each other.
do you mean the tops of the M's pointing toward each other?
Iike that?
Yes, like that. There should be holes for them to clip in but if there aren't I wouldn't worry about it too much and just leave them off.
7/2/11 11:07 a.m.
I don't think the Hawk HP+ on the rear had any holes for the clips. I can't remember if it even had clips before.
They'll make a bit more noise without them in, but I haven't had any in mine (race car or street car) for at least three years.
can anyone confirm that the rear pads EVER have holes in them, or are the springs just supposed to sit in the notch behind where the pads fit the caliper bracket?
7/3/11 10:44 a.m.
Rear pad springs sit in the notch, front pad springs fit into holes. Did front and rear on Friday, that's the only way I was able to remember.