7/27/11 12:10 p.m.
Searched this forum via Google and found some threads, but none that were exactly relevant to my interests. Miata.net also didn't really turn up much except threads about competition cars and a lot of arguing.
Car is a '96 Miata, ubercharged, Link ECU. Driven 2-3x/month in the summer, rarely in the winter. Currently has a Mazda brand battery of unknown age, which has trouble throwing the car over when it has been sitting for a while. If I loosen the blower belt it will usually start, but that's a PITA. Battery and terminals are clean, and it charges fine with a short drive. I figure that battery is getting stale and it's time for replacement.
Which, of course, opens up the options mightily. So what's a good, sealed battery suitable for trunk mounting in a Miata? With the extra load from the blower, cranking amps and reserve are more important than minimal weight, but it would be nice to shave a few pounds if practical and cost-effective. Thanks.
Get a gel cell and a cutoff switch. Disconnect the battery when it's not being used. Every car has dark current, which will run down any battery.
I use Optima batteries in most of my stuff, especially those that sit. And I disconnect them in the cars that sit for long periods.
7/27/11 12:30 p.m.
I see FM sells yellow tops - is that what you prefer? It is 12 lbs or so lighter than the red top, but fewer CCA, too.
Duke wrote:
I see FM sells yellow tops - is that what you prefer? It is 12 lbs or so lighter than the red top, but fewer CCA, too.
How strong is the one you have in there now? The YellowTop is quite a bit stronger than what i've got in my car.
Hrmm... i wonder if that may be the source of my problems, now that i think about it.
The yellow top is what we use in the V8 Miatas. Seems to handle cranking a 6.2 V8 with 11:1 compression quite nicely.
7/27/11 12:43 p.m.
Keith wrote:
The yellow top is what we use in the V8 Miatas. Seems to handle cranking a 6.2 V8 with 11:1 compression quite nicely.
Well, then that shouldn't have a problem with my puny 1.8 
Thanks, as always, Keith.
I hate to piggyback a thread like this... but since it seems you're taking care of, i may give it a shot. 
I've got some generic 370cca battery in my car.... what SHOULD it have? I'm thinking this may be the source of my electrical voltage drop weirdness.
I agree on a disconnect for cars that sit a long period of time.
On that same note.. anybody ever played with those solar trickle chargers?
7/27/11 1:09 p.m.
I have the HF solar charger on the ranger. I can go a few months without using it so it seemed like cheap insurance to make sure it would start up all the time when I need it to.
Just replaced the battery in my Miata. If you are looking for a stock replacement, it seems that Orilley's is the only parts chain that carries an AGM stock replacement anymore. The part number? "MIATA"
I have a float charger mounted in the trunk - that I hook up when I remember.
Got my replacement battery at Napa. Works great. Same size and a AGM cell.
Mine also died Sunday. I ordered an AGM battery from batterymart.com that's supposedly the same as a Westco. It was $98-shipped & should be here today.
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
I hate to piggyback a thread like this... but since it seems you're taking care of, i may give it a shot.
I've got some generic 370cca battery in my car.... what SHOULD it have? I'm thinking this may be the source of my electrical voltage drop weirdness.
Miatas came with an AGM (basically a gel cell) battery, although you can use a normal wet cell back there if you vent it. I like the gel batteries for a bunch of other reasons myself.
There's nothing wrong with a healthy generic battery, but the operative word is "healthy".
Tested "OK" @ Autozone, but i'm sure i should take that with a grain of salt. A nicer battery was on my short list anyways, so i guess i'll continue with that plan. 
7/28/11 2:54 p.m.
In reply to Keith:
The only thing wrong with a generic battery is when the OEM battery hold downs no longer fit and are tossed away by the previous owner. Then your generic oversized battery bounces around and dents up your quarter panel. Ask me how I know... 
Good point. A healthy, well-secured generic battery then...