I'd ask this on miata.net, but...meh. I assume Keith can help with a lot of this.
I'm getting my replacement Miata ready to do a few track days. Most of my play money went toward covering the gap between the insurance settlement on the old miata and the new one. I've got a bunch of parts left over from my wrecked '90, though!
Suspension-wise I've got the following:
Assembled Koni sports, stock '90 springs, some progressive bump stops off of a civic with a bit cut off and some enlarged-for-Konis stock tophats. I think somehow a chunk of the original bump stops is in there as a spacer or washer. I vaguely remember burning the old rubber off it.
I've also got a set of old (pre-FCM) mazdaspeed spacers a SM guy gave me that let you use the NB top hats. What, other than the NB top hats, do I need to make these work? Are front and rear top hats the same part? I can get gabriel brand ones off Amazon.com for $40. Good?
I'm going to replace the '90 springs with the FM ones. Are there other reasonable alternatives out there? Anyone use them with Konis? FM's site specifically warns against konis+fm springs+FM top hats. I'm not interested in lowering the car much. Stiffer is good, losing suspension travel on Michigan roads sucks.