I searched more last night. It’s pretty obvious the IMS bearing issue of the ‘99 to ‘05 cars got assigned to tye ‘06-‘08 cars most by internet hyperbole. Search ACTUAL failures if you don’t believe it. Porsche changed a lot of their flat six design in 09 and a big part of that was reducing fear over the IMS bearing issues. Porsche did fight off a major class action suit over the issue. If you look long enough the most affected cars have the small single row IMS bearing typical of the 01-early 05 cars. There are no guarantees onnwhich bearing you have without looking. Any new M96 bought from Porsche today will have the larger 06 spec IMS bearing. I may buy a new M96 3.4L shortblock and stash it away for this reason.
It's going like this...
I want a Porsche - scratch the BRZ and Z4
The convertible was fun - scratch the Cayman
I want to drive it with abandon - scratch the 911
I don't want to here about an IMS and I like a nice interior - scratch 987
That leaves the 981, as newer is too pricey.
What I don't know is an S or PDK. I just went to test drive a 2014 S with PDK, but the janky dealer was sub-par. You cannot test drive a car that is inside.
Go drive a 987.1 and 987.2 Boxster S 6 speed before you write them off. You are doing yourself a huge disservice writing them off based on text on the internet alone.
Near DFW? Come flog my 986.1 S.
I just added a BRZ manual and FR-S automatic to my experiences. Both were fun and 1/2 the price of a used 981 Cayman. I see why there are so few for sale in my area. So much more comfortable the be in than a Miata to me. Unfortunately, a convertible version does not exist.
As for looking at a 987.2, there seem to be very few around. Thanks for the offer AnthonyGS.
9/4/19 2:24 p.m.
If you're willing to accept the stock performance of a FRSBRZ, have you driven an NC miata? They're not as tight to be in as the older ones.
TheGloriousW said:
I just added a BRZ manual and FR-S automatic to my experiences. Both were fun and 1/2 the price of a used 981 Cayman. I see why there are so few for sale in my area. So much more comfortable the be in than a Miata to me. Unfortunately, a convertible version does not exist.
As for looking at a 987.2, there seem to be very few around. Thanks for the offer AnthonyGS.
Yes 987.2 Porsches sold in low numbers due to the economy at the time. You should drive an 06-08 987.1 too. If you make some phone calls or do real research you will learn the large single M97 IMS bearing is way more robust than the M96 bearings. You also get improved variable valve timing etc. I may get a 987.1 Cayman S to add to my fleet.
I've only ever heard the Porsche-snob side of the story about not getting a Boxter, so I really appreciate your experience here; it's a good education for me. I've always thought they're cool and half the reason for me having a sports car is so my wife can feel fancy on date nights, which a Boxter would accomplish just fine.
As always, I have nothing of value to add to the discussion though. The only cool car I've ever driven is my Z4 and the car before that was a '94 Sentra with a spray painted fender LOL so that should put me into perspective for you. I'm a one trick pony. You said you already wrote off the BRZ and Z4 but then checked out a BRZ anyway so thinking of your comment about the Boxter really only starting life at 4,500 RPM I'd say check out a Z4. It feels like a steady powerband all throughout (granted, I have the 225 hp from 2003 so what do I know?)
RE: Z4
I spent 15 years driving an E36. When I look at the Z4 I just see another BMW. It's a personal problem. A hard top convertible would be nice though, except for the lack of truck space.
TheGloriousW said:
I just added a BRZ manual and FR-S automatic to my experiences. Both were fun and 1/2 the price of a used 981 Cayman.
I find the BRZ/FRS driving feel very similar to my 987.1 Boxster and the 987.1 Cayman. The 981's are noticably faster though, and have nicer interiors.
I think you're on the right track in looking for Boxsters -- for some reason they depreciate quicker than Caymans of similar spec, so more for your money!
AnthonyGS said:
Yes 987.2 Porsches sold in low numbers due to the economy at the time.
There aren't many 997.2 911's on the market either, and the scarcity is propping up their values. The global financial crisis did a number on sports car sales.
Things have moved quickly. I just made a deal on what I believe is the right car from the right seller. I am just waiting for a few updated pictures before the deposit check is put in the mail. I will update with details when the deal is final.
Thanks for all your help. I will see how this satisfies me. I am buying this from a P-car enthusiast with 4 others to keep him happy. A base model Agate grey with an Espresso interior.

Nice car. I'm sure you will enjoy it immensely.
9/9/19 9:00 p.m.
Very nice, congratulations.
Really like that color combo.
Thanks. I was not intending to buy a car so soon. I was thinking to buy in late winter. But this one came along and what was I to do? No stories history, good owner, extras with the car, a transferrable platinum warranty, and a good price. My hands were tied. I had no choice.
Thank you all for preventing me from trying to buy an investment. I picked this up on Friday and drove 9.5 hours home. Saturday drove it. Sunday drove it. Today the weather was poor and it sat. But later in the week... vroom vroom. I am going to live the experience worried about smiles per mile versus depreciation.
Unless some weird financial windfall happens I do not think I will ever own a 911. I think the Boxster is a better convertible and I am for sure a drop-top guy. Every errand I had was run in this car and I never put the top up. Base model power, plenty for me. The handling is sublime. That packaging is great for a sports car. On the way home the trunk was full of the extras and the frunk swallowed my carry-on and daily bag easily.
At this point I am devoid of any S or 911 envy. It is still fun when toodling around at 50%.
One day you will hear a Boxster GTS with the exhaust in sport mode..... and have a tinge of envy. However, you will still enjoy and love your car. I’m changing mufflers on my 996 soon so I can enjoy flat 6 music.